I thought emails to CEO@echostar were suppose to be answered?

HDTV Rookie

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Dec 1, 2003
I sent an email to the CEO address on 3/15 asking about the NFL Network. ( I know, maybe not a big priority to some or E*) I sent a follow up email on 3/19. Today is 3/26, and I have yet to get a response from them.

I thought the CEO email address was suppose to be monitored, I thought responses were suppose to be sent back to customers.

I provided them with my account #, home phone # and of course my name. Why no response!!!!. Has anyone ever wrote to the CEO address and NOT gotten a response?

Attention to Customer Service is a big pet peeve of mine. You must have it in order to keep my business. Their inability to respond shows me a lack of courtesy. That really gets my blood boiling and I consider it unacceptable?

So can anyone tell me what is the average time it has taken for them to get a response from the CEO email address

They're too busy taking care of all the folks e-mailing them asking for 811's since it appears that's the only way existing customers can get one's they've had on order for months. ;-)
well, if they ignore me much longer, I will be leaving and selling my 811. I guarantee if I forgot to pay my bill for nearly 2 weeks, they would be quick to contact me
9 million subs. Can you imagine what happens if only 1% of the subs e-mailed their special request each week? 90,000 e-mails waiting for responses. If you want NFL network...go to D*. None of the providers will let you know of upcoming new channels through a private e-mail. You've made your request, that's all you can do.
HDTV Rookie said:
well, if they ignore me much longer, I will be leaving and selling my 811. I guarantee if I forgot to pay my bill for nearly 2 weeks, they would be quick to contact me

I've sent 2 emails, and received a telephone reply on the next business day in both cases. While the resolutions to my complaints were not 100% to my satisfaction, their quick response and attention to my concerns was very commendable.
You might be surprised if you didn't pay your bill for two weeks, you probably wouldn't hear anything from them until you suddenly didn't have a picture and YOU had to call them.
i emailed the same thing to dish requesting the nfl network and got a reply back the next day. it just said they would forward it over to the programming dept.
I have recieved replies a few weeks after sending in email. All my emails have eventually been answered, some just took a bit.
I sent an email today at 11:00 EST, and there was a message on my machine at home by 1:00.

I left a voicemail, hopefully, he calls back soon.

P.S. My email was about how I am planning on discontinuing service. Guess that would get a faster response. ;)
Why dont you just talk to regular customer svc.people have been abusing the ceo e-mail address.there are more than 9 million subscribers with Dish.Just be patient.
dishsystems said:
Why dont you just talk to regular customer svc.people have been abusing the ceo e-mail address.there are more than 9 million subscribers with Dish.Just be patient.

Because this is America, and we deserve instant gratification. Of we will take our business elsewhere. So there.
dishsystems said:
Why dont you just talk to regular customer svc.people have been abusing the ceo e-mail address.there are more than 9 million subscribers with Dish.Just be patient.

Regular Customer Service??? I would consider them to be more like Special Customer Service. Of course I am using the word "special" in the same sense as Special Olympics.
dishsystems said:
Why dont you just talk to regular customer svc.people have been abusing the ceo e-mail address.there are more than 9 million subscribers with Dish.Just be patient.

Ok give normal CSR's a chance, you say. Well not only did I call both the regular Dish CSR #, but also the Executive offices. The normal CSR's are clueless it seems. I'm sorry, I do not want to demean anyone, but the truth of the matter is that those CSR's just are clueless and helpless. It seems like I end up speaking to someone that either has a low intelligence, doesn't speak or understand the english language well, or knows less about their services than I do. And I am sorry, that should never ever happen. An employee should pride themselves on knowing their company products, period. Don't matter who you work for.

When I called the executive offices, I got a more knowledgeable CSR, who said he would research the questions I asked, and call me back within 30 minutes. Want to guess how long ago 30 minutes expired.

I am sorry, but there is no excuse for making a committment to a customer if you do not intend to follow through on it. If the CSR could not find the info in those 30 minutes, then the least I would have expected is a call back to tell me that he needed more time or passed it along to another. Some kind of response.

People just become complaciant with their jobs, and feel that as long as they are doing simply what is in their job description, it is enough, but I am sorry, it isn't.

You want to pride yourself on having the best customer service, then take the extra step, perform the extra task, follow through on something you commit to a customer. That is how you create great customer service and provide your customers with a sense that you care about them. Believe me customers will recognize it and appreciate it.

Don't you all like better customer service, you may not realize it, but when you leave that tip for that waitress/waiter at a restaurant, I bet you leave a bigger tip for the waiter that went the extra mile, paid more attention to you with a smile, or gave you the extra portions or drinks, etc

Yeah I know, those folks are working for your tips, but I would bet that E* would sign more customers or lose less customers if they provided customer service the way it should be. At the very least, I am more than sure that customer would find a way to acknowledge the great customer service, even if it were just a kudos letter to the CSR's supervisor.

OK, I know, long rant, sorry, but I had to get it off my chest.
I E-mailed ceo@e... and got a reply and I got the guy caught up in his own canned responses and he just stopped responding to me. I basically proved how they are screwing over existing customers by paying installers more to install new customers than they do to upgrade existing customers. He had nothing to say and now will not respond. I have been on the list for a SuperDISH since October of 2003 and I have been rescheduled every month since. I probably wont have one any time this year. I plan to move soon and considering dropping DISH. Just not worth the hassle anymore.



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