I think it's time I say goodbye...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 5, 2004
... to this forum. I've enjoyed it for a while, and I learned a lot about HD as well as changes to Voom's services. However 70% of the people on this forum whine and cry endlessly, despite the knowledge of new hardware and technologies coming online in the near future. I seem to enjoy Voom a hell of a lot more when I just watch it... maybe ignorance is bliss. I've sampled Dish, and it's a piece of crap, those who advocate it over Voom are seriously dilluted, and have an alterior agenda.

While I concede that Voom has some PQ issues, they have improved dramatically in the last 2 months, however instead of happy people we have a few satisified posters and the same people who whine persisting with the complaints. All the threatening to cancel because the firmware was delayed, the firmware is released and guess what the same people quit anyway. There's no satisifing the few, who usually already own 2 or 3 other DBS equipment, and have all the time and money in the world it seems to just switch between the two. This forum IMO is a haven for whiny spoiled brats who don't enjoy what they own anyway. It's a shame because I rather enjoy reading the posts of several individuals here.

I'll probably just lurk and get info on new channels, etc... if Voom fails and gets sold to E* or Microsoft or Time Warner, fine, as long as it has the most HD I'm there. HDTV is the future of TV, and I'm going to go along for the ride.
yup yup

:yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes :yes

I am in total agreement. I posted I was switching to back to DTV, but, Voom PQ has improved lately(except for some Equator HD) and is the best HD choice out there. Just gonna have to break it to my wife I need the NFL Ticket ALSO!!!!! :eek: :yes
Though I share your frustrations and your opinions on leaving the forum. I think that is the wrong approach. I believe your experiences with Voom (good or bad) has a home here. I also believe that fair and balanced opinions (both good and bad) make for a better environment and promotes better understanding of the product. By removing your voice, you take away from the total pool. Reconsider......but I REALLY understand your point of view.

As I write this, I don't know if I am talking to you or people who share your opinion. (LIKE ME).

I believe Voom will grow and this forum will once again be a positive resource. It seems that there are people here who "post to persuade" and that is not the purpose of this forum.
I Agree, I Am Tired Of The Few People Who Do The Most Postings Who Do Nothing But Whine, Whine & Whine. They Wine About The STB, They Whine About The Firm/Software, They Whine About The HD PQ, They Whine About The SD PQ, They Whine About Not Enough Of The SD Channels THEY Want, They Whine About Having Any SD Channels At All. They Even Whine About Content On The 21 Exclusives.
And This Is Done For The Most Part By Fewer The A Dozen Users.
Hey, Dvlos, who am I going to spar with? Take care buddy, we know you'll still be around.
Ah thanks for the kind words, but I think I'll wait for a time when all the "Ok i quit Voom today because" threads die out or something. One thing is arguing with DarellP about his 7" sized pixels on his projector, which I like, and another is the "Why are you quitting Voom for 10 HD channels?" type of threads.

Anyway there's a hurricane headed my way... I guess I have bigger fish to fry anyway!
You'll miss Sean's daily Voom premiers posting. That's the best thing about this form. Otherwise, I would probably just skip over it in the PG... if the PG was even accurate for that day.

Plus lots of complains makes me feel a little better. My Voom situation isn't the best, but I do enjoy all the HD. Heck, even if Cinema 10 wasn't in HD, I still like the old cheesy movies. :)


Would you keep Voom on Jan. 1st if...

Install's Inc. cancelled my antenna upgrade?
