I need help with the dish 500


New Member
Original poster
May 4, 2004
Can anyone help? I have great signal on both the 110 and the 119. But I am only able to lock in the 119 and the 110 will not lock but shows great signal. Any suggestions.
give some more details concerning your setup. How many receivers, lines running from the dish, or switch.
I have 1 reeiver. I have 2 lines from the dish that go through a splitter down to the 1 cable that goes to the receiver.

Do you really mean a splitter? Or is it a switch? A splitter will not work, you will need to have a switch. These can be found on ebay and with just one receiver sounds like you need a sw-21.
well it is for the dish. it says dish 1 in dish 2 in out to receiver. the receiver finds it as an SW21.

retailer out of bussiness help

dish 500 problems

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