I Lost My Distant Networks!

1) Sometime early 11/29
2) It's at my cabin in the Atlanta DMA
3) n/a
4) Sent email - no phone call yet
God Bless America

The Fat Lady is crooning this morning in DMA 177 .. hums "This Land Is Your Land, This Unserved Land is My Land ".

Can't get locals with any type of OTA.

No line of site to 148.

No cable providers service my rural area.

Can't optionally switch to D* if I wanted to ... deep canyon blocks D* line of site.

I no longer have any option whatsoever to receive ABC, NBC, CBS or Fox.

Thanks, Charlie. It sucks being a shafted Dish Network unserved customer .

Won't hold my breath hoping Congress will provide remedy for unserved rural folks like me. Time will tell.

1) Nov. 29

2) Bowels of the Black Hills DMA 177

3) N/A

4) Yes, on Nov. 15th. Received response from sole state Rep, nada from apathetic unsupportive state senators.
1) Today 11/29 Were there early this morning but gone as of now.
2) Boston, MA ZIP 02324
3) Never had it to begin with.
4) E-mailed and called a couple weeks ago. Planning on doing it again within the next few days.

I had FOX out of Denver and LA. :( At least they were on until almost the very end. I was wondering if they would forget some people
1) When did you lost your distant network?
Last night (11/28) at 7:15 p.m.
2) What DMA do you reside in?
Not sure what a DMA is, but I live in the woods of Central Oregon.
3) If you had CBS HD did you lose that as well
Don't think I had this.
4) Have you called your senator at (202) 224-3121? (If you emailed you should also call more weight
Yes, I emailed them

Thanks for your time, from a confused grannie:confused:
1> Today
2> Portland OR
3> Still have CBS West HD 148
4> Yes, called and Emailed

I still have my Portland Locals SD and HD. Lost CBS and NBC NY
1) Today 11-29-06
2) 154 Wheeling-Steubenville
3) N/A
4) no, just email

The cable man comes on saturday...
Last edited:
1. Today
2. OKC
3. N/A
4. Don't really care. Just had LA NBC in case they came out with distant HD. Now I can spend that $18/year on myself.
1. Today
2. Colorado
3. only have Denver HD
4. no

A few weeks ago I "moved" back to Denver so I could get a 622 hooked up. When they changed the account they did not requalify the distants, so they have been on since then. Today they were gone, but I don't know if it is because they were shut off for the Dec 1 deadline, or if they just caught the Grade A address.

With the 622 I can record HD OTA and 2 Sat feeds simultaneously, so I still have alot of the flexibility that the Distants offered. What I'll miss is being able to watch football other than the Big 12 and the Broncos, as well as catching Leno at 9:30.

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