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I have to be honest and I will sound like a D* apologist, but I have never had a problem with D*'s customer service in 9 years. I have never dealt with E*, so I cannot comment on them
vurbano said:
Tell me. What makes D* customer service Better than Cables?

I didn't say it was better. I stated that in my experience, I had terrible customer service with my local cable company, terrible. I can't remember in at least the last 5 years having any problems CS wise with D*, but that is just my experience and it just doesn't mean much more than that.
CygnusTM said:
I switched in the other direction about a year and a half ago, and I found the exact opposite to be true. Certain channels on Dish were full of artifacts, but I see none of that on DirecTV. I even have a much bigger TV now, so spotting artifacts would be even easier.

Also, my DirecTivo is so much better than any of the crap DVRs I had with Dish.

Same with me, but I just switched four months ago.

vismich said:
I left DirecTV for Dish Network a week ago today. I was a DirecTV customer for 6 years, and it was a very hard decession. It sounds retarded to say, since I am talking aboyt TV...But it was. However, trhere a re a few observations that I wanted to share with DirecTV owners.

1. I left because of the awful customer service. DirecTV was the best in the business when they ran thos ecommercials years ago. They are the worst now. They don;t care until you say your leaving...THEN ..and only THEN...do things get done.

2. The Picture Quality on Dish is lights out BETTER than DirecTV. I usually dont notice stuff like this, but it was very obvious.

3. My biggest concern with leaving was losing the NFL ticket. While it was sad, the more I think about it ...DirecTV has to be concerned over the new NFL plans. I mean, they will be telivinsing nationally a Thursday night game, Sunday Night game and TWO M onday Night games...This is in addition to the locals you already get.....

All in all, I am very happy with the switch.

I feel like more information from you is needed. What options, in addition to what you've already mentioned, did you consider? Like was the HDTV currently on DISH a better choice for you -- and/or some other programming from DISH?
FlyingJ said:
I didn't say it was better. I stated that in my experience, I had terrible customer service with my local cable company, terrible. I can't remember in at least the last 5 years having any problems CS wise with D*, but that is just my experience and it just doesn't mean much more than that.
I cant ever remeber calling for a service call with cable TV, ever. But satellite on the other hand is chockfull of potential problems, dish alignment, bad lnb's, loss of signal due to rain. You just dont have that with cable. I dont see how any legitimate rating organization could deem satellite the best in performance or reliability etc.
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stuart628 said:
no confusion here, just letting you know where I think people are getting your Cable is better then Directv on Customer service
My cable? I dont have cable, but I did experience it for 20 years or so. And never paid for a service call or any service protection plan. Try getting a D* rep out to the house without a protection plan and its gonna cost you buckssssssss.
Vurbano or JD Powers, ok, I don't evn care what the big company says, but you figure that since you had cable in the past that your opinion is more legit than JD. LOL you think very high of yourself. Getting sloppy too. With the "I never said....... Vurbano, you remind me of the guy across the street that can't stand his wife, but has too much invested to get out. We understand how you feel. Either stop subbing to D* or shut up, or both. Your "own little world" statements are now not only bias, but downright idiotic.
ole vurb, we use to lash it out over in the Voom forum..............hehe
wonder why people run from the the truth.
don't think either of us are out right lying
giving our opinions, which most of the time are ask for in one way or the other, just like yours, only ours isn't what you wanna hear. you wanna hear Yes you made the right decision, Yes you will be happy, Yes you have the best, Yes a few of us in here Know everything, just ask us. and if we want your opinion, we're give it to you
sorry but not always the case
FlyingJ said:
Either stop subbing to D* or shut up, or both.
Wow giving orders. You must feel very important. I will continue to sub to D* as I have a large equipment investment for now. I will continue to voice my opinion and you are free to use the ignore function. I will not however bark orders to others or spew D* propoganda, two things you have apparrently learned how to do.
Tell me what D* propaganda I have ever spewed? Ever? All I know is that I don't pay a bill every month to a company that I bash every chance I get.You don't like the HD offerings, you have E* for that, you don't like the customer service, ok call E*, they are doing nothing to improve PQ, oh, you have E* so that doesn't matter.
NFL ST has lost it's value (in your opinion), but you don't get ST so that doesn't matter. What the heck do you watch on D*? Not HD, not football, I don't get what your complaining about.
FlyingJ said:
Tell me what D* propaganda I have ever spewed? Ever? All I know is that I don't pay a bill every month to a company that I bash every chance I get.You don't like the HD offerings, you have E* for that, you don't like the customer service, ok call E*, they are doing nothing to improve PQ, oh, you have E* so that doesn't matter.
NFL ST has lost it's value (in your opinion), but you don't get ST so that doesn't matter. What the heck do you watch on D*? Not HD, not football, I don't get what your complaining about.
Please try to address the topic of the thread. Im tired of rehashing my situation. And really I dont know why you cant read, but Ive said several times that D* customer service is better than E*'s and when did I say that I do not watch D*'s HDlite?
FlyingJ said:
. Getting sloppy too. With the "I never said....... Vurbano, you remind me of the guy across the street that can't stand his wife, but has too much invested to get out.
Not sloppy, careful. Big difference. Measure your words, you will come off looking a lot smarter than you do now. You are right about the investment though. Its too much to lose right now. I also hope my DMA is dead last for mpeg4 HDLIL so that I dont have to commit or pony up cash and get locked into a loser again if they dont come through. OTA will outperform it anyway. Hopefully by 2008 D* will improve PQ and offerings. If not I plan to leave in 2008.
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Seems the math problem is your issue. I bet Dish wish it had that big NFL ST loser. And I am certain that D* accountants are telling their CEO that he made a big mistake having ST. And all of us that have and enjoy it and have enjoyed it for years sure are glad we have it. Ummm you don't get it so did you lose out on something. and I don't have to worry about how you perceive my intellect, I am not the one that has been throwing money away month after month and complaining the entire time. You are a bore. Want to throw stones?
Ricky and Lucy, Fred and Ethel, Al and Peg, Archie and Edith.... cut it out! You two sound like an old married couple!:eek:

Yes Vurbano, Direc PQ is in the toilet, even though Iceberg calls it "Compressvu" my Expressvu PQ blows away the PQ on any of our DirecTV IRDs.

Yes FlyingJ people are more faithful to Sunday Ticket than to their wives.

I am so fed up with DirecTV's horrific PQ on Center Ice, let alone their uplink center full of Homer Simpsons that can't follow blackout rules, but I digress.

I'd been with DirecTV since the introduction of the DTC-100 over 6 years ago but I have a personal ethical dilemma that keeps me with DirecTV for the time being, that's E*'s outsourcing their customer service and the way they nickel and dime their subs. We have Sirius over XM because XM's customer service is 1/2 way around the world. I want better PQ but won't reward a company that sends jobs overseas. I know DirecTV has plans to do the same so I'm screwed, but the first time I call DirecTV and get an asian call center it'll be hello Dish.

Both companies have issues that bug the crap out of me, there is a much longer list, but this thread shouldn't turn into a urination match, leave that to youtube!

Some people here either harp on company or defend them no matter what. Some people come here and just ramble on about menutia. Most just want to share their opinion or need help so lets move on, there's nothing to see here folks...
Please reply by conversation.

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