i have a viewsat ultra 2000 and dish is there anything i can do with it to get tv

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:welcome :canada: With a 36" dish and linear LNBF you will have access to hundreds of channels on many KU band satellites. Galaxy19 at 97W has the most FTA channels of any of the KU band satellite. You may consider upgrading to a new MPEG4 DVB S2 HD receiver and also add a C-band dish for many English channel options.
i have a viewsat ultra 2000 and dish i'am in cape breton nova scotia i never tried anything with it since they went down years ago
is there any i can do to get tv channels because our cable is awful app. the help:cool:

The only ones that I know "went down years ago" were the eye patch signal thieves. If this is the type of setup you have, then the LNBF is a circular type and is almost useless for TRUE FTA. If the dish is at least a 24" dish, it could work for TRUE FTA. a 30" dish is usually considered the minimum, but if you are trying for a satellite like 97W, a 24" might be just enough. The LNBF should be a Ku Linear type, not a circular or DSS type.

I still use a Viewsat receiver and I am pretty happy with it as a beginner box that only does DVB standard definition. The eye patch firmware versions will work for FTA, but the Factory firmware that is posted on this web site will work a lot better and will not cause you legal culpability.

Welcome to SatelliteGuys and I hope you read and read.
i have a viewsat ultra 2000 and dish i'am in cape breton nova scotia...
Since you've got it, try it out. If you look around Sydney, you'll notice that even the pay TV guys are using a larger dish (I've seen up to 36" and 39") than many others in North America due to Cape Breton being further from the centre of footprints. Having only a DVB capable receiver can still get you lots of signals, though I wouldn't buy one now. I travel up your way periodically on business. Let me know if you need help.
I dont think the OP has that in mind about using Ku and or C band.

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I dont think the OP has that in mind about using Ku and or C band.

I agree with you as my first impression from reading his posting was he's wanting to get the TV channels he's now getting on cable by using FTA instead. He might get some but we need a little more information from him on just what channels he's really after.
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