I hate to be a prick but....

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best one is this

"why did I loose channels?"
"I keep loosing my channels"

no. You LOSE your channels is the cabling is LOOSE :)
For better or worse, grammar, punctuation and spelling ARE important and DO matter when it comes to how people regard you and your views. You can choose to ignore that or choose to deal with it.

If some genius asks you to "proofread" their notes before they send them out they are implicitly acknowledging a problem with their communication skills, otherwise they would send things out "as is" and not care.

Good spelling & grammar = thoughtful, erudite, respectable, extremely good-looking.
Bad spelling & grammar = dimwitted, intellectually lazy, career criminal, body odor.

Is that fair? Probably not, but life in general is not fair. If it was, George W. Bush would be assistant nightshift manager at a Waffle House in Amarillo and living in a trailer park.
Iceberg: You might understand this too.................

Iceberg said:
best one is this
"why did I loose channels?"
"I keep loosing my channels"
no. You LOSE your channels is the cabling is LOOSE :)

From da rainch:

Does this ring a bell in your ear? :rolleyes:
CDH said:
What is a copmare? Is that a police-man's horse?
Copmare...the difference between a mistake made by some one typing too fast because the chinese food delivery dude is ringing the doorbell as the sentence is being typed and an incorrect usage of a simple word. :)

BTW it's "policeman's" not "police-man's" :)

See ya
I love it when people confuse advice with advise.

I get a kick out of reading goaliebob because all of the technical terms are usually spelled correctly but the everyday english is not. And that is not meant to pick on you goaliebob.
You know I don't care anything about spelling. If I know what you are talking about I do not care. I am a horrible speller but had a 3.9 in collage.
The Tate said:
You know I don't care anything about spelling. If I know what you are talking about I do not care. I am a horrible speller but had a 3.9 in collage.
I was tempted not to say anything, but that is too funny and sorta ironic. :)
SimpleSimon said:
Nice to know you are good at collecting and pasting things, but what was your overall GPA in collEge? :D :D

Ha Ha. :D

It was around 3.89 something something but I say 3.9 because it is easier to remember. :D

I took Computer Tech. which had a lot of junk classes not many English or History. But did have a lot of Math. I still like around to 2 semesters to get my degree but I am no longer going to pursue it.
i guess i'll throw in my two cents worth...

i'm not one to talk concerning typos(i'm the worst when it comes to capitalization when i post on the internet)....

but using NUMBERS for words...or replacing "u" for "you" just really puts a burr under my saddle-i don't talk about it because then you end up with a thread like this, but...at least attempt to use semblance of real words...lol
I think the bottom line is ALL of us at one time or another, type too fast, read too slow, or we drink too much while we are typing and trying to read what we are typing cause we are also mad about the post we are replying to for some stupid reason, or whew! Hell, was that a run on sentence? Gotta love goaliebob when he gets mad tho! (is tho a word?}lol--Ray
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