The local PBS station here used to (maybe they still do) play foreign movies such as "My Life as a Dog" late night. I think they also played "kids" a few times.What PBS channel are you watching?
The local PBS station here used to (maybe they still do) play foreign movies such as "My Life as a Dog" late night. I think they also played "kids" a few times.What PBS channel are you watching?
I watched the show "The Good Girls" from NBC that aired Sunday night around 9pm central time. Christiana Hendrix character was in her bed imagining the Hispanic tatted thug she is working for illegally , standing over her in her bedroom. She reaches over to her night stand and gets something we can't see and puts it under the covers between her legs. Then the vibrating sound starts coming from the bed as he struts around the room smashing all her breakables in her room from the mirror to every vase ,jar and plate she had on display, never breaking eye contact with each other. This went on till her husband sticks his head in the room and asks her how to make pancakes for the kids. The buzzing sound stops.
Two years ago on NBC the show "Shades of Blue" that starred Jenifer Lopez and Ray Liotta had a scene where Ray ( whose character was the police chief in New York , married with kids ) meets a young guy in a pool hall ,plays pool with him and flirts with his eyes and body movement. The next scene is he is in the alley way with this young guy obviously simulating fellatio on Ray as he stood over him on his knees and holding his head to his groin and Ray making weird faces . Regular tv is quickly on it's way to being just as dirty as cable. Start saying the F.. word and M...F..... and you have HBO equivalency.
I'd rather they just bleep it, the overdubbing is the worst.How do we feel about overdubbing swear words with cleaner versions?
It makes me laugh really I like it because it is funny.How do we feel about overdubbing swear words with cleaner versions?
How do we feel about overdubbing swear words with cleaner versions?
I remember that in the 70sCanada doesn't censor much of anything on OTA TV.
Like I posted in a different thread a little while ago, in the early 2000s CTV aired The Soprano's completely uncensored. No editing of nudity, sex scenes or any word being with S, F or C.
Living within range of many Canadian TV stations, my first exposure to The Soprano's was not on HBO on Dish Network, but from CFTO channel 9, the CTV affiliate in Toronto with my Radio Shack antenna.
"The Sopranos" set to make conventional network premiere, beginning September 17th on CTV
And while I never really watched the show, I landed on it a few times on CFTO, The Osbournes didn't have any beeps or blurs either.
i would appreciate that you would stop the personal attacksHe rarely knows.![]()