I just turned to IFC to watch "The Terminator" and it just went to the love scene with Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor and they actually showed Sarah's nipples! I can understand this on a premium channel, but on IFC? And I'm NOT TROLLING guys!
Interesting. I guess I never watched it on IFC before. I noticed they also didn't bleep out the f-words being said. But then again, I've heard the s-word without it being bleeped out on South Park on Comedy Central for a very long time. The first time they allowed that on South Park, it was a very big deal.
Used to be commercial free years agoInteresting. I guess I never watched it on IFC before. I noticed they also didn't bleep out the f-words being said. But then again, I've heard the s-word without it being bleeped out on South Park on Comedy Central for a very long time. The first time they allowed that on South Park, it was a very big deal.
IFC has always plainly statedI just turned to IFC to watch "The Terminator" and it just went to the love scene with Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor and they actually showed Sarah's nipples! I can understand this on a premium channel, but on IFC? And I'm NOT TROLLING guys!
they actually showed Sarah's nipples!
As noted, IFC used to be commercial free during the movies and completely unedited.
Ive seen some really good movies on it. Sometimes mature content or realism requires less (than broadcast) church language.
I think I saw Henry and June and possibly The Rapture on IFC. Two very mature movies. Not saying great movies, but entertaining.
Netflix has the original, hilarious and non Bowdlerized classic.The other side of this is AMC. I watched Blazing Saddles on it a few weeks ago. It was bleeped so bad it ruined the movie. I guess in this day and age nudity on TV is ok on screen but don't use any derogatory words.
Remember when Bravo's slogan was "The film and performing arts network"?Yes, I remember when AMC and Bravo were ad free. Liked those days. But as stated, only OTA TV has to be cleaner. There are no restrictions on satellite/cable. I guess in theory IFC could run an X Rate film, if they wanted to.