I am sure this is old news to most here but I got the email about changes?

I already had 2 techs out and both told me the tree is in the line of sight for it... any ideas what I can do?

It's to bad if trees are in the way atleast in the winter time when the leave fall you would get signal.
I guess a pole mount from the ground on the other side of the tree won't work since your in a community association. Technically you should be allowed to have a dish as long as your under 1 meter which the new Dish is of course unless the federal rule has been reversed.
It's hard to tell since I can't see your place. Does going 10 feet in one direction or the other direction help (perhaps with a very friendly neighbor)? How about the highest point on your location?
Did the techs measure signal strength when the did the survey?
Does anyone know exactly what changes are taking place?

I received the "URGENT ACTION REQUIRED" letter as well.

My setup is 110/119/129/61.5 on a DPP44 switch.

Scott mentioned "HD will be moving off 61.5 next year".

Scott is this all HD (even locals)?

If indeed all HD is moving off of 61.5 I should be able to point my 2nd dish (currently looking at 61.5) to either 72 or 77 correct?

As far as I know the only reason I need 61.5 is for my HD locals, the rest of my setup is "Western Arc".

Any info would be great...

I get 61.5, 110 and 119. I have never had a dish on 129 and I have been with Dish for 13 years. Do I need to call them?

Yes. Move to EA 61.5, 72.7 & 77. Might need to relocate the dish for LoS. Yes, call, even if you don't have HD. Even if you don't have locals. Dish is moving everyone to one of two standard configurations: EA or WA (110, 119 & 129). Once this shift is mostly over, it will give Dish a lot of flexibility to make changes.
I received the "URGENT ACTION REQUIRED" letter as well.

My setup is 110/119/129/61.5 on a DPP44 switch.

Scott mentioned "HD will be moving off 61.5 next year".

Scott is this all HD (even locals)?

If indeed all HD is moving off of 61.5 I should be able to point my 2nd dish (currently looking at 61.5) to either 72 or 77 correct?

As far as I know the only reason I need 61.5 is for my HD locals, the rest of my setup is "Western Arc".

Any info would be great...


You are covered since you have 129. I wouldn't touch a thing unless you feel like disconnecting 61.5. Not sure if you need it for your locals though so I would just leave it alone.
You are covered since you have 129. I wouldn't touch a thing unless you feel like disconnecting 61.5. Not sure if you need it for your locals though so I would just leave it alone.

Thanks for the info digiblur (BTLS) ;-) I was hoping I would not have to "upgrade" to an EA dish. I am using an old SuperDish for 110/119/129 and a Dish1000 dish for 61.5. I almost never have a problem with rain fade.

Plus, I like to do my own installs. I have seen some of the work Dishnetwork installers have done for family and friends. All I can say is "what a bunch of hacks". Get in an get out as FAST as possible. I'll pass...

I got a call from DISH today telling me I need to upgrade to a new dish, which they will do for free. He didn't say Eastern Arc, but I assume that's what he meant (polite older gentleman in Colorado). He said that I would have to replace my 510 to an MPEG4 receiver and they would upgrade me to a VIP612, also for free. He said that i would not have to return the 510 because I own it. He said they had to take a $1.00 charge on my credit card to run the work order, which I will get back in 3 or 4 days. Does this sound right? I agreed to the upgrade but I have my doubts about the trees in the way. Just barely getting out at the 61.5 slot, don't know if we can see 72.7 or 77. Also I'm worried about getting a 612 because I've heard so many bad things about them. Oh well, we'll find out on the 22nd. He said they couldn't get out till the 22nd or the 29th. He said the techs in my area are very busy doing upgrades. I asked about adding a couple other TV's while they're here and he said I had to call loyalty and ask for Dish It Up and they would give me the equipment for free but that it would require a 24 month commitment.
Maybe you should call Dish Network back and verify your getting an upgrade and its the Eastern arc. They didn't request any kind of charge for this at all. It was totally free upgrade for me. Maybe check your credit too while your at it just to be safe.
OK so I need the eastern arc dish and installer told me tree is in the line of sight. That being said, IM about to switch to direct TV after 8 years of dish. Direct tells me there new slim line dish will work for me and tree shouldn't be an issue. I don't know how they know without doing a site survey.

Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.
OK so I need the eastern arc dish and installer told me tree is in the line of sight. That being said, IM about to switch to direct TV after 8 years of dish. Direct tells me there new slim line dish will work for me and tree shouldn't be an issue. I don't know how they know without doing a site survey.

Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.
They must be smoking something good.:eek:
Western Arc

I currently have 61.5, 110 and 119. Dish scheduled me for this past Saturday afternoon to switch me over to the Western Arc. I explained to them that there is no way that I can get 129. They said if the installer aggeed then he would put me on the eastern arc (no LOS problem there).However, eastern arc requires all receivers to be HD (VIP). They said that's OK, that the 512 I have would be switched out for a 722 and the 322 I have would be switched out for a 222 at no additional intiall cost or monthly cost. I asked if the tech would have these receivers on board and the answer was yes (DNS is right down the street from me).
On Saturday the tech drove by the house then pulled up into the driveway and called me on his cell. He said that there was no way that I could get 129 and there was nothing else he could do so therefore he was leaving. He hung up and left without me ever seeing him. So if they start swiitching channels on the sats I guess I have to switch to Direct. End of story.
They said that's OK, that the 512 I have would be switched out for a 722 and the 322 I have would be switched out for a 222 at no additional intiall cost or monthly cost.
More than likely, the 512 will be replaced with a ViP612. You don't really need to be paying $17 for a Duo DVR to serve a single TV.
My bad, it's a 722 or 622 for a 522. It doesn't matter, Dish is done with it according to him. Work order closed and no contact from Dish.

You weren't dealt with at all so get back to them and tell them the tech didn't bring the equipment to install for the EA set up. That you want the job done so you can get all the channels you should be.
Dish kept calling me over the past three weeks and was telling me that I needed to have my 61.5 dish moved. I explained that I had already had that done because I wanted BBCAm in HD. Also after I had the dish turned to 129, it brought me a nice selection of HD locals to choose from as well. We are now "somewhere else" and even though the angle of the 129 seems shallow, it has been like that since March and gone through a complete summer without any outages.
Are they really still delivering VIP612? It seems there are a lot of problems with them. They offered me one for a free upgrade, but I'm getting nervous after some reading here and googling it.
If you get a good one, they are golden. Only missing PIP and GoogleTV integration. ;) Oh, and the new Sling Adapter. :(
If you get a good one, they are golden. Only missing PIP and GoogleTV integration. ;) Oh, and the new Sling Adapter. :(

Sounds like a big IF. Took two 722's to get a good one. Then one day a software download nearly bricked it. Suffered for about a month or so with the jet engine syndrome until another download cured it. No problems for the last year or so with it though. I seem to read a lot more bad about the 612 though. We'll find out Monday.

vonage phone dialing 866-366-8634 (How to make it stop?)

I'm back with Dish, install went well.

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