LOL, now that's going back in the day.
Yeap that's when arcade games were fun w/o all the violence like today's games.
My personal favs from the 80's were:
Track and Field
Dig Dug
Donkey Kong
and of course, the original Pacman.
LOL, now that's going back in the day.
Yeap that's when arcade games were fun w/o all the violence like today's games.
My personal favs from the 80's were:
Track and Field
Dig Dug
Donkey Kong
and of course, the original Pacman.
I used to buy the Pokemon guide books for the first few games because of the map on it. It helped a TON(keep in mind I'm talking about buying guides for the first 2 iterations of the series, before the internet was really mainstream, so there really was no alternative). But now, I still like guides for some RPG games as they contain maps and not just has all the cheats and walkthrough for free. I stop buying game guides now.
A lot of places have enhanced guides with maps and graphics, and places like Gamespot have extensive walkthroughs available.Though I bought the LBP guide book to help find all the prize bubbles and for quick easy reference for creating my own levels, I didn't end up using it much. It is a nice book, and I like the way the camera pulls back so you can get a broader view of each level in story mode, which you can't get in online text only walkthroughs.