HyperMegaSat.com Online Store is Closing

HyperMegaSat.com Online Store is Closing!

Hello everyone. It is with a sad heart that i am announcing that we will be closing the HyperMegaSat.com online store (website) in the next couple of days. We have had the HyperMegaSat.com website serving FTA hobbyists and enthusiasts for over 18 years (since 2006). Over that time we have served many, many customers, with many different products, from many different brands. And have made quite a few good friends along the way. Unfortunately, here in Jan 2025, our sales are down just too low to justify the costs of keeping the store open. It is a problem for FTA equipment sales in North America in general, as i am sure most of you know. We could discuss all the contributing factors, but i wont bore you here. I do miss the glory days of just 5-10 years ago. Our sale were great, i ran not only the HyperMegaSat.com store, but also a great support forum LegalFreeToAir (RIP), and also a Worldwide Satellite Channel Database SatHint (RIP). These last 2 sites were shutdown over the last few years and now HyperMegaSat.com is the last to go.

I want to say THANK YOU to all of our customers and supporters over the years. You helped me to support my family, and i learned so much from my customers along the way too. When i first started this i was a young wide-eyed FTA rookie who was just looking for a way to watch the Detroit Lions game one day (they used to black-out the tv broadcast if they did not sell out). I found my answer on-line. Ku Band FTA. WOOD TV was ITC on what i think was G18 at the time? And they carried the Lions game since they were out of the black-out zone. I ordered the equipment, got the channel and next thing i know i was so hooked i decided to learn more and open a business. And the rest is history.

Anyways, this is NOT the end of HyperMegaSat. We will continue to provide FTA Equipment for our loyal customers on Ebay and Amazon. Truth be told, a big reason for the low numbers at the HyperMegaSat.com store is a lot of customers prefer to buy at those places. We always tried to combat that with lower prices for our customers at our store by saving on the Ebay and Amazon fees, but alas, it only worked so well. Everything we sell at HyperMegaSat is available at our Ebay store, and a whole lot more other non-FTA stuff. At Amazon we only have FTA stuff, and only select items. We plan to add more FTA items soon to Amazon.

That is it. Thanks again to our customers for ALL THE GREAT YEARS.

And the HyperMegaSat.com store will be open for a few days yet.

Satellite Guys Members can save 10% using this code at Checkout - SAVE10

Thank you for all of the years of excellent service. Also thank you for the free receiver that you sent me after my mailman put the one that I bought in the wrong box. I wish you the best!
Sorry to hear you'll be closing the HyperMegaSat.com website.

Thanks for all the support you've provided for the FTA hobbyist through the years. Being able to order products I need from someone who understands the North American FTA market has been great and will be missed.

Best of luck with all of your future endeavors.
Sorry to hear this but understand from a business perspective.

I don't do Amazon (personal preference) but I use Ebay. I have purchased from you in the past and was lucky enough to win an Amiko L-107 universal LNBF in one of your contests, thank you very much. I like dealing directly with a vendor who gets the entire purchase amount and doesn't have to pay a commission on the sale. I know you to be an honest businessman so, if I were to see something on Ebay or Amazon, would it be possible to email you with an order request and use PayPal (maybe even the Friends and Family option) or would that be too much trouble for you to process?

Thank you for all you have done for the satellite community in the past.

I remember you clucas. And yep, you CAN email me with an order request in the future and do Paypal, not a problem at all. But note, my email is changing in about 30 days or so. Now it is sales@hypermegasat.com, will be changing to hypermegasat@hotmail.com (both active now, dropping sales... soon)
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Sorry to hear HyperCasey, but tbh when I needed FTA stuff (I'm still relatively new) I would just look on Ebay, I've bought several switches and some lnbs from you there and the service/product quality has been great. Maybe I should support the mom/pop type websites more in the future... Ebay and Amazon know what they're doing, particularly Amazon. I tend to buy most things from the big-E not the big-A.

Edit: Dumb question, but seems most US sellers of Edison (is it Edison or Edision?) receivers are sold out, or you just can't find them, are they rare/discontinued or just not distributed here very well? I see Amiko mini's somewhat more frequently and GT media's all over the place.
Thanks for your business k4otl, i wish we had more new people joining the hobby. Regarding Edision there were only 2 Sellers in the USA that i know of. Titanium Satellite which stopped selling all but C Band LNBFs, and us (HyperMegasat.com), we kinda took over from Titanium Satellite with their blessing and guidance when they stopped selling receivers.. There were 3 models "supported" here in the US. The OSMio4K, the OSMio4K Plus, and the OSMini4K. Edision is out of stock on all but the OSMini4K. We (HyperMegasat) are out of stock simply because the sales were pretty slow on these and the investment to bring them in from Edision (overseas) is high. That said, i have not ruled it out. just unsure if i would have enough demand for them.
Sorry to hear HyperCasey, but tbh when I needed FTA stuff (I'm still relatively new) I would just look on Ebay, I've bought several switches and some lnbs from you there and the service/product quality has been great. Maybe I should support the mom/pop type websites more in the future... Ebay and Amazon know what they're doing, particularly Amazon. I tend to buy most things from the big-E not the big-A.

Edit: Dumb question, but seems most US sellers of Edison (is it Edison or Edision?) receivers are sold out, or you just can't find them, are they rare/discontinued or just not distributed here very well? I see Amiko mini's somewhat more frequently and GT media's all over the place.
Thanks for your business k4otl, i wish we had more new people joining the hobby. Regarding Edision there were only 2 Sellers in the USA that i know of. Titanium Satellite which stopped selling all but C Band LNBFs, and us (HyperMegasat.com), we kinda took over from Titanium Satellite with their blessing and guidance when they stopped selling receivers.. There were 3 models "supported" here in the US. The OSMio4K, the OSMio4K Plus, and the OSMini4K. Edision is out of stock on all but the OSMini4K. We (HyperMegasat) are out of stock simply because the sales got pretty slow on these and the investment to bring them in from Edision (overseas) is high. That said, i have not ruled it out. just unsure if i would have enough demand for them.
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Sorry to hear you'll be closing the HyperMegaSat.com website.

Thanks for all the support you've provided for the FTA hobbyist through the years. Being able to order products I need from someone who understands the North American FTA market has been great and will be missed.

Best of luck with all of your future endeavors.
Thanks, but we WILL still be selling FTA products on Ebay and Amazon for years to come (hopefully). :)
Thanks, but we WILL still be selling FTA products on Ebay and Amazon for years to come (hopefully). :)
Thank you Casey for your work! I ordered several FTA items from your website in the past and greatly enjoy them. Do you expect to start selling 90cm and/or 1.2m dishes on your amazon and/or ebay stores in the near or distant future? I looked on both stores and saw smaller items(such as switches) but did not see any dishes.
Yup old public domain movies. It was easy to grab the signal because the FEC was 1/2 so any signal brought it in even at a very low signal.
Could it ever! I have a note that the signal could drop to the high teens on my Pansat 3500SD without pixelating, and the normal signal I got on the offset LNB was high 60's - low 70's. Wish more channels had such great staying power!
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Could it ever! I have a note that the signal could drop to the high teens on my Pansat 3500SD without pixelating, and the normal signal I got on the offset LNB was high 60's - low 70's. Wish more channels had such great staying power!

A DVB-S signal with an FEC of 1/2 is super easy to receive.. like that booming "hotel mux" on 101 @ 12000 V 20000. Newer feeds
are using more complex modulations now requiring bigger and bigger dishes. I bet you could pick up 12000 V 20000 with a pie pan! 😆
Thank you Casey for your work! I ordered several FTA items from your website in the past and greatly enjoy them. Do you expect to start selling 90cm and/or 1.2m dishes on your amazon and/or ebay stores in the near or distant future? I looked on both stores and saw smaller items(such as switches) but did not see any dishes.
Nope, I do not expect to sell 90cm and/or 1.2m Dish's again. The problem with these is a small business like mine can no longer support the investment of $$ or warehouse space for products like these. And now with tariffs? Who even knows. For years now, i have drop-shipped these from various sources, for the last few years from the guys at SatelliteAV in California. I would recommend buying from them if you need a new Ku Dish. Eugene is a great guy and will treat you right.
Just want to say THANK YOU to the folks who have placed orders on our website and taken advantage of the 10% off deal since we made the announcement we are closing the on-line store. We TRULY appreciate your business and ALL of those orders have been shipped. And the deal (10% Off) is still up while the site is still up, which i believe will be through tonight. At least it is paid for until the end of the day. We shall see if there is a grace period, maybe it will be up for a few more days? But until it does go down, the deal is still on. Coupon Code SAVE10
Casey, Wishing you the best as you reorganize your selling model. You provide great sales and support services to the satellite hobbyists and I am honored to consider you as a good friend!

I completely understand the reasoning behind your decision and I have been considering the pros and cons of maintaining a shopping cart for several years. Small business websites have fallen out of favor for the majority of retail buyers. Over 85% of our retail sales are from the Amazon platforms, 10% eBay and 5% from the website shopping cart. Hard to justify the cost for a small business website, shopping cart, the accounting needs to deal with multi-agency sales tax submissions, etc., when eBay and Amazon provides the exposure and sales service. You have to do what is best to reach your customer base and keep cash flowing in the right direction.

Continued success my friend!
wishing you the best. you gotta do what you have to do. remembers the big ufo sized dishes as we had one in our back yard though it wasn't FTA. we did buy programming from a place called sky vision out of minn it was cheaper than cable with better pq.
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I bet you could pick up 12000 V 20000 with a pie pan! 😆
My brother knows an older gentleman who lives in a very rural part of NM. He's too far away from any FM radio signals for reliable reception. He does get a few AM stations, especially at night. He loves classical music though. One day I brought him an unused Winegard 76cm Satellite Dish and a spare GeosatPro Micro HD receiver I had lying around. Aimed @ 101 and got WCPE "The Classical Station" for him to hook into his stereo. The 12000 V 20000 transponder locks in solid, even when its raining. You should have seen the look on his face when first heard the station coming through. :)
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Well, it is now Feb 8th and the site is still up (HyperMegaSat.com) so i guess it is still operating under a grace period. I had set the 10% off coupon until only the 6th because i assumed it would go down on that day, but it didnt, so i just reset the coupon code. So the Satellite Guys Members deal is back on. Save 10% on anything and everything shown in stock, no limits. Use Coupon Code SAVE10 at checkout.