Hulu Plus is here!

Unfortunately as Hulu Plus ads shows, they'll probably yank them from Netflix.

Hopefully if/when they do that, the FCC will step in and force them to provide the shows equally to all streaming services.

Online streaming rights is not something within the pervue of the FCC.
Still haven't gotten mine. :(

But I thought the invites were gonna be free. Oh well, I guess I don't have to decide until I actually get that all important invite! :)
I finally got my Hulu Plus invite today and activated it.

It is better than Hulu, but I'm not overall certain I'll keep it. On my iPad, the Hulu Plus app provides smooth, better quality video than on the desktop computers. The desktop video quality is of lower quality and there is slight jerky action in most videos.

Same 3Mb DSL line feeds my iPad and my desktops.
My setup includes wired connection for the HTPC and Internet ready Blu-ray player. It also includes an 802.11n (5Ghz) wireless for my iMac and HP Touchsmart. Netflix, Amazon and a few other streamers play smoothly with 720p streams where available, and lower quality streams where that is all they have.

Hulu doesn't, except on my iPad.

So after a couple days of fiddling with Hulu Plus, I cancelled it. I don't plan on paying for a poor video streamer, too many free ones that are better, and other pay ones that are very much better.
Well, I won't be one going to pirate sites. Just not worth the risk of malware and such from those spots.

But there are plenty of free legal sites to fill the video need/want.
I agree that if you are paying for it, it should just work. I'm curious though. Is the player flash on some devices and not flash on the ipad? If it is a different format file on the ipad is it possible to get that format on a different device by downloading a player of some sort?
Its a HTML5 video on the iPad, while through the website on a PC its a Flash video.

I don't know if Hulu Plus is worth $10 a month, but we have been using it a lot (and watching a lot of Wipeout) :)
It is Flash everywhere except the iPad from what I read.

I tested on the iPad - works very well
Windows 7 PC - jerky and lower quality video
iMac - jerky and lower quality video

Both the Windows machine and the iMac have the most current flash on them. To me, that it works on the iPad would be a nice addition, IF the basic service to my computers was acceptable. Since that isn't true, Hulu Plus isn't worth paying for.
I watch on my DISH Network 922 using PlayOn and the PQ is really good on the shows (although the PQ on the commercials is bad and blocky)

I am impressed how good it looks on my HDTV from my 922.
I watched Hulu Plus on my iPad on in-flight wifi internet from Seattle to Atlanta yesterday - 2 hours not a glitch and great picture quality. Amazing really to stream from a plane.

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