I have a Hughes Hird E-86 which I have read has an oveheating issue that is common. The result is what I have now, a severe loss of signal. I have read that it is possible to fix this but I have not found anything on the net in regards to a schematic for this unit or what to check. From what I have read a capacitor burns out or similar, and not enough voltage gets to the tuner section for the transponders. I have found that the only transponders that work are 4, 8, 12, 16, etc. I get great signal on them but not on other transponders. My second receiver, an RCA get full signal strength so I know it is IRD/tuner related. It slowly lost channels over the past 6 months, now I can not get the guide to download after a power loss, it gets almost done then looses signal. So does anyone have experience fixing this issue? I have access to oscilliscopes, voltmeters, etc, just need advice on what to look for.