Hughes GAEB0A reloading story/question

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Jan 30, 2005
I complained enough about the recent Hughes GAEBOA reloading problem and D* agreed to send me a new receiver and give me credit on my bill for the problem. I received the new receiver and it is a Hughes SD HBH. I have to hook this up and call D* to get the credit on my bill (probably about 2 weeks worth.) I was looking at the features of the SD HBH and it doesn't compare to my GAEBOA. I haven't had the problems that I had last week since their software upgrade caused all the problems. If I keep the SD HBH, I have to send back the GAEBOA. Should I just keep the GAEBOA? Should I call and complain that the SD HBH is an inferior replacement? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
I would keep the GAEBOA. My GAEBOA isn't rebooting itself anymore either, and is IMO a better receiver.

This is why you should have waited for a resolution instead of making demands for more, its why I absolutely refused to send out any boxes for people because:

1. Can't say you wouldn't have been sent another GAEBOA, and if the problem hasn't been resolved when you get it you'll have it with the replacement as well. Only order I would have placed to resolve this problem was to replace the box with a DVR (win for everyone!).

2. The scenario above - problem gets fixed, replacement no longer necessary, grass is always greener syndrome.

3. Problem fixed, no replacements necessary.

A combination of 1 and 3 fixed this problem, you fell under number 3, but were impatient.
Well, Elstevo here is the situation:

1. I didn't demand anything. I called three times- once when I first noticed the problem and was told that it would be fixed in 48 hours. The second time I called was 3 days later because the reloading/frozen screen was worse. I was told that it should be fixed in another 48 hours. The final time I called was 5 days later after the problem still existed and all I did was give my name and phone number. I was then immediately asked if I was still having problems and was told that Directv was replacing all the GAEBOA's with new receivers because they received a bad software upgrade and couldn't be fixed.

2. How did I know that the problem was going to be fixed? I didn't so therefore your grass is always greener analogy is wrong. I asked if I would receive a receiver with equal features since this problem wasn't caused by anything I did, and I was told that no one knew what was going to be sent out. But they did ask me what color mine was- silver or black- so I guess they could choose that. Just for the record, I said silver and received a black one.

3. Once again, I was never told the problem was going to be fixed. It was acutally the opposite. I was told that it was unfixable and that's why new receivers were being sent out. So you are wrong again about being impatient. I was actually rather patient suffering through10 days of being able to watch TV 5 min. at a time before the receiver would shut it self off, freeze up, and then reload.

All I asked is for people opinions regarding the receivers and not your criticism of the way I handled the situation when you didn't even know the whole story. Bottom line - Directv caused this problem and they are responsible for fixing it.
Many people I know get a SD HBH too as a replacement. SD HBH is a "Director's Pack", not a "Executive Director's Pack". It might be newer, but just not as good as the GAEBOA.
mcsj said:
Many people I know get a SD HBH too as a replacement. SD HBH is a "Director's Pack", not a "Executive Director's Pack". It might be newer, but just not as good as the GAEBOA.

executive director's packs are GCEBOA's. NOT GAEBOA's.

So if the HBH is a newer GAEBOA, what is it lacking?

what is the difference between the GAEBOA and the SD HBH?
and the sd hbh looks like it has a sh!tty ugly remote.

the gaeboa's have the BEST remote I have EVER used!

But the D* return instruction says you don't have to send back the old remote... you can use your old remote on your new receiver.
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