HR44 is in route!

Please reply by conversation.
Just installed the 44.

Wow unit is tiny next to the 34. Very nice quiet unit. Have not had a chance to give it a spin.
What's the tv shows app? Is that for suggestions of what show you like?
Just installed the 44.

Wow unit is tiny next to the 34. Very nice quiet unit. Have not had a chance to give it a spin.
What's the tv shows app? Is that for suggestions of what show you like?
Genie Recommends feature which basically shows what programs you might like based on your viewing habits, which I never use, but it needs to populate first to actually show any programs.
Ok, got it....thanks.
I like that, its very tivo like.

Have Direc coming out today.
Getting error message 776.
Need hardware upgrade.
New switcher or one with more ports.
Have one 44 and two hr24.
Causing some issues.

Anyone notice with 44 when you do the 30
Second skip the fast forward bar shows up?
Did not have this on Hr24?

Anyway to get rid of this?
An HR44 plus two HR24 equals 9 tuners, and if you have a regular SWM dish that will only support 8. You will need the LNB in the dish replacing, and then four cables to an SWM16 multiswitch.
An HR44 plus two HR24 equals 9 tuners, and if you have a regular SWM dish that will only support 8. You will need the LNB in the dish replacing, and then four cables to an SWM16 multiswitch.

Update...your right on the money Texasbrit.

This gets real weird. Tech gets here says I need upgrade kit.
Says he hopes I have an old dish. New dish will create too much work for him.
Says job to much for him. It will take 6 hours? Huh? I have the latest stuff installed
from dish to wiring. Needed 16 multi switch..thats it?

So, tech closed order and left.
On with direc and they said they will right
this wrong.

Usually direc home install is excellent.
Worst experience to date. Plus the dude left a mess
that i had to clean up.
Latter left out attic open and light on...

Plus had to take time off from work.....
I am getting my upgrade installed today and the tech called and said that I will be getting a HR44. I am in the Charleston, SC market.
Update...your right on the money Texasbrit.

This gets real weird. Tech gets here says I need upgrade kit.
Says he hopes I have an old dish. New dish will create too much work for him.
Says job to much for him. It will take 6 hours? Huh? I have the latest stuff installed
from dish to wiring. Needed 16 multi switch..thats it?

So, tech closed order and left.
On with direc and they said they will right
this wrong.

Usually direc home install is excellent.
Worst experience to date. Plus the dude left a mess
that i had to clean up.
Latter left out attic open and light on...

Plus had to take time off from work.....
He was correct that if you had the old (non-SWM) dish with four cables to the house, it would make his job a lot easier, but that is no excuse. He is supposed to do the job that needs to be done, not walk away from it.Your dish only has one cable to the house, and you can't connect the SWM16 to that.
So what the tech needs to do is:
Assuming your dish is an SWM slimline, go to your dish, remove the SWM LNB and replace it with a non-SWM LNB. Usually you can do that without the need to realign the dis.
run three additional cables to the house making a total of four
Connect the four cables to an SWM16 multiswitch
replace the SWM power inserter with the correct one for the SWM16
connect your DVRs to the SWM16 so that there are no more than eight tuners on each output of the SWM16 (my suggestion would be the HR44 on one output and the two HR24s on the other)

Check out the signals, whole home and the internet connection.
He was correct that if you had the old (non-SWM) dish with four cables to the house, it would make his job a lot easier, but that is no excuse. He is supposed to do the job that needs to be done, not walk away from it.Your dish only has one cable to the house, and you can't connect the SWM16 to that.
So what the tech needs to do is:
Assuming your dish is an SWM slimline, go to your dish, remove the SWM LNB and replace it with a non-SWM LNB. Usually you can do that without the need to realign the dis.
run three additional cables to the house making a total of four
Connect the four cables to an SWM16 multiswitch
replace the SWM power inserter with the correct one for the SWM16
connect your DVRs to the SWM16 so that there are no more than eight tuners on each output of the SWM16 (my suggestion would be the HR44 on one output and the two HR24s on the other)

Check out the signals, whole home and the internet connection.

You know your stuff. Im missing one tuner.
Direc, says that this tech got lazy.
Should have never walked off job. He actually
Started complaining before he did the job.

But you are right about the hookup.
just called the installer to make sure my appointment got moved okay from last sat. to this sat. (son got 4 stitches and we needed to leave as soon as he showed up) anyways I made sure he was going to bring a swm 16 and also he is going to bring a hr44! yea baby!
Update...your right on the money Texasbrit.

This gets real weird. Tech gets here says I need upgrade kit.
Says he hopes I have an old dish. New dish will create too much work for him.
Says job to much for him. It will take 6 hours? Huh? I have the latest stuff installed
from dish to wiring. Needed 16 multi switch..thats it?

So, tech closed order and left.
On with direc and they said they will right
this wrong.

Usually direc home install is excellent.
Worst experience to date. Plus the dude left a mess
that i had to clean up.
Latter left out attic open and light on...

Plus had to take time off from work.....
I would be ticked off if that happened to me, especially if I take time off of work and nothing is done because he wasn't sure how to do his job.
And that is why some do their own installs simply for not trusting techs.
I would be ticked off if that happened to me, especially if I take time off of work and nothing is done because he wasn't sure how to do his job.
And that is why some do their own installs simply for not trusting techs.

Direc out sources their tech work down in
South florida to a company called Mastec.
I guess it's a mixed bag you get what you get.

Dish networks install people are all dish
Employees. I like that better. Better control
Of who works for you.

So I'm still waiting for a return call from Direc
To resolve this mess. It's been 2 days.
Not so happy with them.
Just had my HR 44 installed this morning, an so far I love it. The HR 24 in the bedroom was continually locking up and needed replacement.
Because I had fullfilled my contract agreement, and had the Protection Plan, they put the HR 24 from the living room in the bedroom to replace the faulty one and the HR 44 in the living room. He also added the whole home service and connected me to the internet, and all it cost was $3 a month for the whole home service!
There was some confusion about charging me $49 to move the HR 24 into the bedroom, but because I wasnt informed of that beforehand, they waved the charge. The HR 44 is smaller than the HR 24, and seems faster to me. I feel I got a great deal, and am very happy! One note to be aware of....if you use a HD DVR instead of a client, you cant pause a program in one room and pick it up in the other. On the other hand, by using the HDDVR you gain two more tuners, more storage, and still have a receiver if the Genie goes down.
Just had my HR 44 installed this morning, an so far I love it. The HR 24 in the bedroom was continually locking up and needed replacement.
Because I had fullfilled my contract agreement, and had the Protection Plan, they put the HR 24 from the living room in the bedroom to replace the faulty one and the HR 44 in the living room. He also added the whole home service and connected me to the internet, and all it cost was $3 a month for the whole home service!
There was some confusion about charging me $49 to move the HR 24 into the bedroom, but because I wasnt informed of that beforehand, they waved the charge. The HR 44 is smaller than the HR 24, and seems faster to me. I feel I got a great deal, and am very happy! One note to be aware of....if you use a HD DVR instead of a client, you cant pause a program in one room and pick it up in the other. On the other hand, by using the HDDVR you gain two more tuners, more storage, and still have a receiver if the Genie goes down.

Glad to see someone having a nice experience!
Direc out sources their tech work down in
South florida to a company called Mastec.
I guess it's a mixed bag you get what you get.

Dish networks install people are all dish
Employees. I like that better. Better control
Of who works for you.

So I'm still waiting for a return call from Direc
To resolve this mess. It's been 2 days.
Not so happy with them.

Are you sure about the Dish employees not using contractors ?
Direc out sources their tech work down in
South florida to a company called Mastec.
I guess it's a mixed bag you get what you get.

Dish networks install people are all dish
Employees. I like that better. Better control
Of who works for you.

So I'm still waiting for a return call from Direc
To resolve this mess. It's been 2 days.
Not so happy with them.

Btw mastec is what's called an hsp or home service provider. Hsps do all the labor for directv. Hsps can then further sub contract the work to independent guys or smaller 1099 companies. But mastec is one of the biggest hsps and these guys are actually what you would call in house techs. You may have gotten a lazy tech and that gives all of us a bad name or look but I think both hutch and myself have proved over the years that in house techs care about their jobs and take pride in their work just by our commitment here on unofficial tech support and advice otherwise.
Btw mastec is what's called an hsp or home service provider. Hsps do all the labor for directv. Hsps can then further sub contract the work to independent guys or smaller 1099 companies. But mastec is one of the biggest hsps and these guys are actually what you would call in house techs. You may have gotten a lazy tech and that gives all of us a bad name or look but I think both hutch and myself have proved over the years that in house techs care about their jobs and take pride in their work just by our commitment here on unofficial tech support and advice otherwise.

Agreed! Also, dish network subs out a lot of work to contractors. All we have here in central indiana is dish contractors. I believe the closest place for true dish employees is Iowa. I may be wrong but from what remember that's closest to me
Btw mastec is what's called an hsp or home service provider. Hsps do all the labor for directv. Hsps can then further sub contract the work to independent guys or smaller 1099 companies. But mastec is one of the biggest hsps and these guys are actually what you would call in house techs. You may have gotten a lazy tech and that gives all of us a bad name or look but I think both hutch and myself have proved over the years that in house techs care about their jobs and take pride in their work just by our commitment here on unofficial tech support and advice otherwise.

No insult intended. Yesterday I had another
Mastec tech finish the job that took less than
An hour. So, basically I got a bad egg the other day. Did not mean to generalize. There are some
Fantastic independent tech folks out there who
Truly care about their customers and their work.
Please reply by conversation.

DirecTV DVR HR21-200 receiver help

can a SWiM 16 be mounted outside
