<div class="bbWrapper">Are HR44's being installed in Columbus? I ordered new Dtv service (bundled with uVerse net/phone) with install scheduled this coming Saturday. Do I need to postpone? I'm dropping TWC mainly to get Genie to replace TWC's crappy DVR, and to save a few bucks. But, I will only accept the HR44. Too many issues with the HR34.<br />
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I chose a two-TV install in order to get Genie, but don't really need the 2nd one. After installation, would it be a problem to drop service down to one TV and return the mini? Also, the Dtv sales rep on the phone assured me that the mini would be wireless, but after reading posts on here about the C41w not being available yet, was she incorrect? <br />
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It wouldn't surprise me if the rep was wrong about the wireless mini. She misquoted the AT&T bundle price by $5/mos for the net speed i wanted (the bundle dept gave me $5 off for a year due to the misquote). She also told me the 2nd year total would only go up by $10 due to the $15/mos bundle discount during the 2nd year, but she had no idea that AT&T rates were discounted by $31/mos for the 1st year which I found out later from AT&T. When I called Dtv back, a bundle rep checked the pricing and confirmed the additional $31 increase in year two. She seemed to think I could just renegotiate the rate with AT&T next year, but I'm doubtful.</div>