HR34 HD guide

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The benefits of five tuners outweighs the few minor bugs in my opinion.

it does. i was well aware what i was getting into with this unit. that the software needed work. i'm confident it will get there.
It should be noticeably faster than the blue guide, so you must have gotten a bad download.

Funny thing is, the blue guide on the HR34 was as fast or faster than the HD guide on the other receivers. I will see if a reboot nets me any performance improvements. The original HD guide I forced from CE a couple weeks ago was also sluggish on my HR34.
I will try a reboot to see if it fixes the fuzzy text issue. Also this guide is much slower than the blue guide, weird since the HD guide is blazing fast on on HR24 I have in another room.

Blue guide was so slow it was almost unusable for me. So I did the CE...that wasn't perfect but pretty fast and almost bug free from what I could tell. Now this national release, it's bad. But still faster than the blue guide was for me.
Interesting. I was excited seeing as how my Blue Guide was fast and snappy, thought I was going to be in for a real treat when the HDGUI was released.

What could cause such wild differences in guide performance on identical hardware?

All depends on the customer.. me and the wife never needed more than 3 tuners with the 622 (we only had 2... ).. and with most movies on most movie channels, you can almost always record it 8-12 hours later on PREMIUMch2, or PREMIUMwestcoast.

Sounds like a very vocal set of 5-tuner folks, but of the 3 ppl I know with sat (us, my sister/brother-in-law, my mother)... 5 tuners is extreme overkill. I only got the HR34 b/c I figured I might as well start with the latest/greatest.... just hoping the HR34 doesn't turn in to Direct's version of the never-fulfilled-its-hopes 922 from Dish.

I'd happily give back 2 tuners on my HR34 right now if the entire system was more stable.
I think it's much better to have extra tuners than not enough. With the extra ones, if you don't use them, fine, but for many it really enhance the viewing experiences and saves a lot of aggravation. For example: you have 2 tuners and like many of us want to record 3 programs from locals in prime time, you're just out of luck because they don't repeat like a lot of the cable/sat channels do. Also, they networks play their games with extending shows by a minute or starting a minute earlier, tying up a tuner and causing us to miss either the end of one show or the start of the other (although they seem to have let up on that lately). Also, in my market the stations are allowed to start their shows 1 minute earlier (mountain time areas), but the only local that chooses to do so is CBS, again causing overlap problems.

I'm a college football nut and record and watch as many games as I can each weekend. With the way they schedule the games and the length of games nowadays, they always overrun their alloted time and with only 2 tuners I've missed then end of a number of games the last few years, especially the SEC games which all seem to run extremely long. I could have solved some of it by getting another DVR, but that was an extra expense that I don't have with the HR34.

So, if you don't need it, no loss, but I for one am delighted with it and intend to put the 5 tuners to full use come this fall. Almost forgot, it may be important for the summer olympics also that will be spread over a lot of channels.
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i'm going through a few of the same issues. for some it doesn't happen while it does for others, which makes no sense to me. they're all the same hardware. (-700)

It's amazing that my H25 is so much smoother and faster and lag-free compared to the massive HR34. To my eye, it looks like there's no hardware graphics acceleration on the HR34. It's dog-slow and unpleasant to use, whatever the reason is.
It's amazing that my H25 is so much smoother and faster and lag-free compared to the massive HR34. To my eye, it looks like there's no hardware graphics acceleration on the HR34. It's dog-slow and unpleasant to use, whatever the reason is.

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not having the same experience as you, as my HR34 is almost as fast and smooth as my HR24's.
My HR34 is sluggish also compared to H25's the guide is fast (but who really uses that anyway) but any other task is very laggy. The H25 should be the benchmark on how a satellite receiver should function anything less is unacceptable for this day and age of electronics. I know the HR34 should have the power to run that nice hopefully we will see an update in the future to unlock it.
the non dvr's will always be faster since they don't have to deal with those functions. but its no excuse for the HR34 being so laggy. i hope and feel they will get it right.
I'm surprised that the last CE became national because I think the guide is still very glitchy (definitely for me). I have the last CE which is apparently the current national release and I still get video artifacts and lagginess and also the in guide channel advertisement banners are skewed too far to the right and the words WATCH INSTANTLY are cut off. My HR24 is a speed demon compared to the HR34. lol BUT that being said, I haven't had any problems watching and recording stuff so it's all kinda minor for me. It's been flawless with recording which is the most important thing to me.

I know some people will say the 5 tuners are overkill but I'm amazed at how much I've had 3 or 4 recordings at the same time or at least overlap which makes me love my HR34. :)
Scrolling... like buttah (that's been in the refrigerator for a few days)!

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