HR34 CE Release 12/30 v.539 | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

HR34 CE Release 12/30 v.539

Ok If Direct actually reads these post. I am new to direct. Only had service for about ten days but I am a techie so I did this. So for some constructive criticism.
1) Three or four times I have had recordings just keep recording. I am talking I look at the unit notice the orange light on and wonder what is recording. I look and I find out that a program from the night before has been recording for 13 hours-20 hours
2) The gui was VERY slow and choppy until I turned OFF the scrolling in preferences.

A few Questions;
If I wanted to just revert to the current public non-beta release how would I do that and would I loose anything?
Once they get a release out like this do they generally put new ones out weekly until they finally get the bugs worked out?
Ok If Direct actually reads these post. I am new to direct. Only had service for about ten days but I am a techie so I did this. So for some constructive criticism.
1) Three or four times I have had recordings just keep recording. I am talking I look at the unit notice the orange light on and wonder what is recording. I look and I find out that a program from the night before has been recording for 13 hours-20 hours
2) The gui was VERY slow and choppy until I turned OFF the scrolling in preferences.

A few Questions;
If I wanted to just revert to the current public non-beta release how would I do that and would I loose anything?
Once they get a release out like this do they generally put new ones out weekly until they finally get the bugs worked out?

I'm glad to see that someone else noticed this issue regarding the recordings. I had a recording start at 3:30 AM and it went for 10 1/2 hours afterwards. I stopped it manually but it hasn't happened since then.

I have noticed the GUI being very slow as well, but I just figure it's because it's a new release of this HD GUIDE and they'll need to work out the bugs.

As for your questions, you can revert to the public release at any time by simply restarting your receiver and entering 0-2-4-6-8 (at the Hello screen) just like you did to install the latest beta release. As long as you do this at a time where the CE beta release isn't in the stream (Friday and Saturday night between 11 - 2:30 PM EST) then you'll get the NR.

I would assume that new releases would come out each week but I'm not sure on this. I am hoping for some of these bugs to be resolved this week, but I do understand this is beta software and won't be perfect.
If you want to revert back to the NR (National Release) do the same steps as you did to get the CE, outside of the CE time frame ..... remember, you may be going back to the old GUI as well.

This is what CE TESTING is all about, running thier new software and seeing how well it works and what doesn't work right.

Not everyone does it, which is great, if your into it, fine, if not , your not (not saying you one way or the other)
This is what it's all about.

To answer your other question, Yes, typically they have a CE every week, it's posted in the CE section when the notes are up, someone typically will start a thread as well to discuss it, like the one your in now.

Hopefully you read the Do's and Don'ts before D/L ing the first time so you knew what your getting into.

People will often hear about something new and not have any idea what they are d/ling and do it anyways and ask why such and such is happening.
Easy ....

Entirely different beast ...

My weekend issue summary . . . .
  • Guide stretching w/Scrolling ON
  • False Dish Alignment
  • Runaway Recordings
  • Pink Screen
  • White Background
  • Info Button does not default to highlighting Channel Banner More Info
  • Time Bar does not show progress with arrow or time with any FastForward
  • Recording Tips are showing up while its setting is in the OFF Position
  • Guide Data Menu graphically acts up about 50% of the time.
  • PlayList Date Column is too narrow for Date Font Size.
  • Deleting Recording from its Program More Info screen does not take you back to the PlayList. (Carry over from SDGUI)

Hx2x Fixes that need to be done
  • Search 30 Character Limit
  • TimeBar Extra Large Feather Border
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Has any updates been released since the 12/30-31 release? I just got a HR34 installed last yesterday and I'm thinking of making the jump.