HR2x / R22 CE Release v0x31F 6/5 & 6/6


everything seems fine. have no issues. if any i will post them. sent the report for D to look at what i can't see ;)
Only thing I've seen so far is a delay of deletions. I was using one HR20-100 to delete shows from both of our HR20's and my wife was also deleting a few shows she'd already watched on the other one. My deletions went okay, with a red circle with a dash in it showing next to the show name, then the show disappearing a few seconds later. She said she went through the deletion on her shows, didnt see any red dot, and the shows were still there a few minutes later. She deleted them again and they went away.

Otherwise its been solid. Havent used DLB but the MRV/merged playlist has gotten a good workout. I like the way its implemented. Except for remote scheduling, I've got a four tuner, 2TB DVR.
Two HR21-100 with AM21

NO MRV. Receiver does not see the other receivers playlist. Have rebooted, restarted network services and turned MRV off and back on. It worked fine for the last 2 weeks with the CE from 2 weeks ago. Both receivers are hard wired to the same router.

REMOTE LAG. Remote commands take at least 2 seconds and sometimes up to 8 seconds to complete. On the verge of being unusable.
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It won't let me send another report.

HR21-100 with AM21

When watching a recording to the end and you choose to "delete recording", instead of going to the main screen it brings up the page where you can Play, Keep, Delete , Showings, Done.
mine seem to be working . . . just slower than 2 weeks ago, my receivers were cruisin' . . . but now, they hang. I have major pausing in my DVR list, i think which is due to the merging of my playlist and the one in the bedroom. before, my playlist would be fine, but would hang a bit when i viewed the recordings in the room . . . oh well
Quirk when deleting programs: I had two episodes of a show in one folder at the top of my playlist, and several episodes of another show in a folder just below it. When I delete one of the episodes from the top folder (changing it from folder to single-episode display), it opens the next folder and highlights the first episode in that folder, instead of just highlighting the remaining episode from the series I was deleting.
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Plenty of problems today. This morning my wife tried to access a show with directv2pc and got a 503 media not available error. Worked okay accessing shows from the other receiver.

Both receivers were subsequently very slow. I went into network config and reran the network setups to see if that'd knock anything loose. Both units were slow, and the picture-in-guide stopped and started a few times and the audio went away for a few seconds at a pop. After I exited the system menus the picture glitching stopped. But they were both still slow.

About an hour later when they werent recording anything, I menu reset rebooted the downstairs box without realizing that my wife was MRV'ing a show from it to the upstairs one. Her show stopped and eventually gave an error. When I hit the 'list' button I still had full screen video with an overlay of a portion of the list/top movies text but no shows listed.

The downstairs box failed to complete a reboot, 10 minutes later the power light was on but there was no video output to the tv. RBR made it reboot. When I went back upstairs the upstairs unit had locked itself up,no video output. RBR got it to reboot.

So theres something that makes the units a little bit unstable and stop serving directv2pc, if you reboot a box while someone is MRVing from it to another unit, the rebooted box doesnt seem to actually reboot and the one receiving the show becomes unstable shortly thereafter.

Last goofball was that both boxes failed to record the season finale for "out of the wild: alaska" with nothing in the history. When I forced a recording of a subsequent showing it popped up a screen saying that the series link had been entered at position 19. The series link had already existed at that position. Didnt do anything bad, but the message screen seemed inappropriate because I hadnt asked it to make a new series link, just record an episode.
Don't forget to post your model numbers (ie HRXX-XXX or R22-XXX) and send a report to Directv and include the report number with your posts. It doesn't help much if they do not have this information.
MRV is not working on mine, I noticed on the network service tab last week when MRV Broke that was one thing that changed they had numbers in the Port fields

this week on one machine it still has the 27163 in the STB Services Port field, the other machine says "Any"

I wonder if this is what broke MRV last week and why one machine still has the numbers in it and the other does not.

I will try redownloading the CE tonight to see if that gets cleared.

ok my bad, my 2 year old pressed one of the buttons on the wireless bridge once i reset it (and moved it up out of reach) MRV works fine..

however, every remote show is listed twice...
Hr23-700 and HR20-700 no issues.

Only suggestion would be to change the color of the typeface of things that reside on the other player(s)in the play list. Not that it really matters but I would like to know where a recording resides.
Don't forget to post your model numbers (ie HRXX-XXX or R22-XXX) and send a report to Directv and include the report number with your posts. It doesn't help much if they do not have this information.

My bad. I'd mentioned a few posts up that I had HR20-100's, and I didnt get a report off before both boxes went non-linear. I figured there wasnt a lot of value in a post-reboot report, other than configuration data and maybe some leftover logs.

I might try to reproduce the MRVing while rebooting problem since its pretty straightforward, although there was some sort of performance or network related issue already going on.
Will the CE be available this weeked 6/12 and 6/13?

Will the CE be available this weekend 6/12 and 6/13? I did not get in on it last weekend

Folks running old CE's might get run over by the new National Release going out. So heads up. Nothing you can do to stop it, and at least its only a few days until friday...
Problem D* programmers:

I disconnected my HR21 from ethernet and used that cable for an Tivo HD. The other HR20 on the network promptly displayed NO RECORDINGS in the playlist. I guess it freaked out since there is a combined playlist now and couldnt find the HR21 anymore.

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