HR2x / R22 CE Release 7/24 & 7/25 v.x033F

No internet connection

Have noticed the return of this issue today watching Style-235.Previous Program Information being displayed.
When your in single live buffer mode and watch two programs on one channel,then when the second program is playing you select Info/More Info/Done.The first program's information is displayed in Info for 5 seconds then it corrects itself to display the second program's information which is the correct information.Workarounds include going in and out of Standby,or first pausing the second watched program then frame advance corrects previous program information issues.Also issue corrected when DoublePlay is engaged.

continuing search for issues......
Might have rebooted or you might have had a power glitch.

All "turning it off" does is shut off the blue lights and the video output.

It would be nice if STBY would also signal DirecTv to do their TOS and focus on leaving it alone as much as possible when it's not in STBY. I could be wrong but I'm thinking the HR's would be more likely to accept remote input from user if this practice is followed. Maybe this is why E* allows the user to set a time for updates and guide info?

Anyway, I use STBY and hope DirecTv makes good use of that time. But when I come out of STBY, I want my box on-my-demand, so there should be a user preferred setting for when this happens. Or am I missing something?
I think the HR actually does do some stuff when its in standby, like recording their push shows, because it knows when its in standby that you arent using it. Otherwise it has a bunch of rules around whether it'll do some of its own stuff, garbage collection, etc.