HR2x & R22 CE Release 1/2 0x02B7

Little bar guys ???
Whats wrong with being short and at the bar, as long as you can get to the bar ?


i meant anything else different from the little progress bar,guys? :o I plan on downloading tomorrow. sorry. didn't mean to insult the little guys that go to bars lol....
Now I know I'm nuts....
Trying to download 0x02B7 and it is searching for new software (029B) and has been doing so for 10 minutes. Anyone know what gives?
I got 02B7 15 minutes ago on my HR22. Not doing the HR20 this week. Trying to transfer some programs off the HR20 through a hauppauge 1212 HD PVR.
After 15-20 minutes of it searching for software (029B) the unit went totally dark. The disk was still banging so I gave it a few minutes then hit the PWR button. Immediately a message was displayed that the download failed and I should hit the red button. I hit the red button and tried the download again. Once again, it was trying to download (029B).
Hit big red again to try for a normal boot and it had trouble acquiring the guide. One more try with big red and same results. Had to resort to unplugging it. I was watching live TV just before I started this dance and I checked the signal strengths which looked good.
Same problem again, decided to just watch something already recorded and try again tomorrow. Unfortunately the movie I was going to watch was deleted at some point in this process, it was recorded a few hours ago and it was completely done.
I have never had a problem like this before on my HR20-700.
Will I ever recover?
I couldn't leave it alone, I tried everything I could think of and still it is searching for a signal while the signal strengths look good on both tuners. Anyone have any ideas? I switched the b-band converts/sat feeds in case one of them was bad but no help there.
I am going to sleep on it, I sure hope things start working before the football games tomorrow.
If I have to call D tomorrow should I tell them that it all started when I tried to download the CE software? or should I forget to mention that?
I couldn't leave it alone, I tried everything I could think of and still it is searching for a signal while the signal strengths look good on both tuners. Anyone have any ideas? I switched the b-band converts/sat feeds in case one of them was bad but no help there.
I am going to sleep on it, I sure hope things start working before the football games tomorrow.
If I have to call D tomorrow should I tell them that it all started when I tried to download the CE software? or should I forget to mention that?

SEE POSTS #1 & #2
Local on the 8's and Active are working much more reliably now. (I had complained about them with 0x2B5). Were there some changes made to Local on the 8's? I want to remember that the current temperature used to be displayed less prominently than it is now, but I might be crazy.
What is local on the 8's?

One thing I noticed after downloading the latest CE is some audio / picture sync issues. I had the prior week CE on before and was not experiencing this issue. I used to have this issue in the past but some time ago it was corrected in a CE and then released during the NR. I'll try a reboot and see if it clears up. I have an HR20-100
Local on 8's is the every 8 minute weather forcast on the weather channel SD ONLY. It is not on the HD channel at this time.
Which - here are the best things I can recomend, IN THIS ORDER:

First, pull power to everything DirecTV related for an hour. All receivers, the power supply for the slimline switch or LNB.

Then, plug in ONLY the power supply for the switch/lnb and the receiver that is having trouble. Boot it up, see if you can get anything.

Second, check in the satellite setup screen to be sure you are on the Slimline 5 lnb dish option. There are several options now, I think the one you want is 3rd or 4th on the list, something like that. If you have one that is several down on the list, it may be wrong.

If you still have no signal, press the red reset button again and do a software download, anytime today. This will download the national release. You start the download the same way you start the CE download, 02468.

Still no luck - Format the drive. Press the red reset button, at the first blue screen, hold the RECORD button and DOWN arrow ON THE FRONT PANEL. Keep holding them until the "almost there" screen goes away. **I'm not 100% sure it's the down arrow, another reference I found said the LEFT arrow. It should be one of them - I know the Record button is the other button **

Formating the drive is the same as the "reset everything" option, and deletes all settings.

Lastly, if none of those work, your box probably needs to be replaced. Call DirecTV tech support, describe that it "won't turn on" (since you've already done all the troubleshooting) and ask for a replacement. The replacement is free with the protection plan, or $19.95 shipping without the replacement plan. There should be no additional contract or anything else. Replacements are almost always refurbs, but the boxes are leased and owned by DirecTV, so that's how it is.

This is very rare that a firmware download could cause a problem with the box that can't be reticified, but it is possible.

Lastly, if calling support for a replacement, DO NOT discuss the CE program or download. Tech support is not trained / knowledgable on the CE program.

Good luck.
Jason, thanks for all the great advice, I will run through the list and see what works. This is why I added the protection plan a few months ago.
I am set on "04: Slimline-5" for the dish so I don't think that is the problem.
Fortunately I am caught up with all my recording so a reformat won't bother me as long as it works.

Thanks again.
That sounds like the right dish setting. Go through the setup process selecting it again though.
My problems have been solved. A D*TV guy came out and check things and the connections at my dish were in bad shape. The guy that installed my slimline-5 didn't do so good a job. At the dish where the cables connected to the wires that ran into the house, there was one line where the center cooper wire was missing, it had corroded away and a second one that was almost gone. One of these was for Sat 101 which is where the programming downloads from. That is why my download of the CE Saturday night didn't work. So my receiver is now working fine, unfortunately I formatted it, but that I can live with.
I did learn a few things like, formatting from the front panel is a royal pain, it took many tries to get it to work. Once I formatted, my dish settings and other things were still as they were before the format. It just seemed like only my Prioritizer and recorded shows were gone.
I also learned that when the system comes up and fails to acquire and leaved you in a state where the menu button only allows for dish setup and something else I forgot, if you hold the 'info' button the setup menu will appear and allow a reformat or whatever just like normal. Wish I had known that before I struggled to do the format from the front panel.
Jason, thanks for your advice, I hope I don't need it again anytime soon.
Glad you got it working, sorry to not think about checking those things first - figured the install itself was a given ;)

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