Well so far this is a pretty unreliable release. As with the old mrv releases, every 2-2.5 days one box or the other starts grinding to a halt, freezes and needs an RBR. And it always does this when recording something important, so I guess I'm back to putting our major new shows on the old series 1 tivo to record, just in case, and doing daily reboots.
I've also noticed when looking at the playlist that folders are randomly opened. Seems the usage has also changed...used to be if you hit 'left' while highlighting the folder or its contents, it closed. Now if you hit 'left' while highlighting the folder name, it exits the playlist. Dont like it.
MRV performance with regards to reducing glitching seems to have been improved by using standby for a few hours each day. The limited info I've seen says basically 'it does some things in standby it wont do out of standby, or at least does some things better in standby and the word from directv engineers is to use it'.
Hope that doesnt become a requirement, or if it does that the box will drop into standby on its own after ~3 hours of inactivity or something.