Exactly, I can understand the frustration, but some of you guys are overstating the importance of OTA tuners in the 21s... 75% of the country doesn't even care because they get HD locals on D*... of the rest, most don't even know/care that they can do it and of those that do know and care, probalby have a modern enough TV that it's built into the TV so now you're down to the following:
- People who can't get it over the dish, AND that know and care about it, AND subscribe to HD service, AND want to record it on their HR21.
If you want just as a backup, hell every TV in the last few years has an ATSC tuner built in by law...
This just isn't the right environment (informed enthusiasts) for determining if it was financially a good idea to scrap them from the models--but I guarentee they pay someone a lot of money who figured it out pretty quickly with Excel and said "get rid of em".
The fact that they have come up with a solutions for the "informed enthusiast" crowd alone is a rare thing in that day and age and I'm suprised they didn't just leave them out in the cold in the first place, so that's something at least.
In my case, I have dual OTA HD tuners on my Media Center and dual SD D* receivers and it's working quite well even though my H21 has no OTA tuner... and I'm an informed enthusiast