Well kids, here are some germaine facts concerning my person:
1. Have had Directv for about 10 years.
2. Have had the H20 since mid April.
3. Have been into HD since late 2001, I think. Super Bowl 2002 at the latest.
5. Have 5 HD TV's including my coup de grace, a Sony WEGA SXRD 1080p set.
Yesterday, I had Time Warner installed with three HD DVR's and so I did a PQ comparison using my two HDMI ports with the SA 8300 vs the H20. No contest. Not even close. I had forgotten what real HD looked like. Even the mpeg4 HD channels on the H20 looked washed out, soft, fuzzy and dull compared witht the exact same channel from TW.
I love the TIVO. I do not want to give up Tivo but I think I am finished with Directv. The SA 8300 is functional, but klunky. Since the HR 20 will not be a Tivo, I am fairly sure it will be no better than the 8300.
I simply cannot believe the image I watched last evening on INHD as they broadcast a live MLB game. It was simply stunning. I have not seen ANYTHING like this from Directv for 4 years. It is a pity.
I am not trying to start a Directv bashing contest, but without Tivo, they have NO advantage and a ton of disadvantages! I guess I do not want the HR20 even if Direct would even exchange my HD Tivo for it! That is saying a lot.