The only reason DISH has the amount of HD channels currently is that they bought up the dieing VOOM channels and the SAT that they were on, otherwise DISH would not be as far as D* is currently, people keep forgetting this, DISH did nothing to get sats built and when the current sat gets filled up, it will happen quickly, just look at D*'s sats.
DISH really has not done much as far as looking to the future as far as adding sats.
The overblown VOOM channels are partof why DISH has more HD. The other reason is that they're not providing local HD.
They want everyone to believe that distant-network access is a big issue, when really they've been ignoring the law-of-the-land --- in that respect they are more criminal than illegal aliens.
They'll spend money on lawyers, but not on their satellite infrastructure. When push comes to shove and they have to shut channels off, they rely on their subscribers to scream loud enough to push government to provide special exceptions.
FWIW, I have no issue with how D* has handled my account. They've been willing to address my concerns and they have 'apologized' through programming credits and free equipment.
It's the local installers I've had issues with, and they are not D* employees.