Late to the game here but downloading now. Was at work until 4:30 am today and then went back in again at 11 AM. Still working again now. Thought I would download a CE between cat naps!!
I'm still having issues with media share. It stills says it is unable to play. It worked fine just after the download but when I got up the next day it wouldn't work. It works everywhere in the house. i.e. on my xbox 360.
HR21 - Yet another a good CE from where I sit. No issues whatsoever. The guide seems slightly quicker.
I got to be honest folks.. the difference between the 722 and the HR-21 now is so miniscule that I dont even think it's worth comparing any longer.
I grabbed it on both of my HR21-100s and no issues here. I don't use Mediashare but I can confirm Caller ID works on mine.
Getting some Audio cut outs again, can't reset right now as In Plain Sight is recording...Media share is working for me on my HR20-700...
Using toslink to my bedroom... (99" screen)
when is the Prioritizer going to get expanded to a 100 or two?