Jimbo, they've now put the report option under MENU/Parental, Fav's & Setup/Miscellaneous Options/Report
For anyone with ANY problems with a CE and the receiver is connected to the internet DirecTV wants you to please generate a report, and list the issue and the report ID here. For problems playing 1080p test they want the TV make and model and what resolutions the receiver says is supported, that's shown under the micellaneous options screen mentioned above.
Thanks for the info ... I dl'ed the most recent CE last Friday.
When I go to the Misc. Options, I find "Playlist Sort and TV Supported Res. btw, it says it supports 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p/24, 1080p/60
However, there is no longer a "Report" tab, maybe they moved it again ?
Also, How about if we dedicate a spot in the CE section for these type of reports instead of being scattered, unless there is already one going that I may have missed.
Also, do you need to be playing the show that is giving you trouble when you submit the report, so they know what is happening ?
EDIT: Is this the thread for 1080p reports ?
DirecTV's 1080p via VoD