HR20-700 / Sep. 7 & 8 / {CE:09:03} 0x197


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Mar 12, 2005
Hartford Connecticut
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HR20-700 {CE:09:03} 0x197 - Announcement
Systems in this CE / Version
HR20-700 {CE:09:03} - 0x197

Window of opportunity to download:
Friday; September 7, 2007 11PM - 2:30AM ET
Saturday; September 8, 2007 11PM - 2:30AM ET
Download Probability: 70%
Be sure to monitor the threads and chat room to check on final availability

The Contents of the Release: (Differences based of 0x18a National Release)
  • Items from CE:09:01
  • Items from CE:09:02
  • Items from CE:09:03

  • Prioritizer Screen
  • Navigation to PIG (Picture In Graphics) removed. (Trick Play Still works), to improve interfacing with UI
  • Stability
  • Several user interface polishing and fixes based on CE reports
  • DoD: Misc. Reported issues fixed
  • DoD: Performance improvement
  • User interface polishing

  • History list now includes conflicting program
  • Unwatchable content is no longer kept in the disk

New feature(s)
  • Keyword search finds category (eg HDTV or sports)
  • [STRIKE]Caller ID for Type 2 (aka Call Waiting, off-hook, ect)[/STRIKE]Caller id reverted to 0x18a version
  • Start/resume to manual
  • Left arrow mimics "BACK" when practical
  • Long channel name in search by channel
  • [strike]Ability to hide SD channels if duplicate HD channel with same number exists[/strike]
  • Support for Remote Booking

  • There are other misc. updates in the release
  • GUIDE DATA WILL NOT BE CACHED they are enhancing pieces of the guide data, which means you WILL LOSE your guide data after the install. It will repopulate over the next 20-24 hours. This is only valid if you are comming from 0x18a, if you are on 0x190/0x194 you are not expected to lose your guide cache
  • This is the third CE in a new CE cycle, and as such this one has a slightly higher level of risk then other CE's. Minor/Non-Critical issues are expected, but the system should still be more then acceptable for normal to above normal usage. If you have any concerns, or this is your one and only, or primary HR20... please consider these facts before downloading the CE... as always... outside the window, you can re-download the national release.
  • While this release supports Remote Booking, the DIRECTV.COM is not quite ready yet. Remote Booking will not require VOD to work on scheduling non-VOD items.

Notes regarding VOD
  • The Keyword search: IWANTMYVOD will be DISABLED. There will not be another keyword to enabled it in this CE. (This is not a joke, hidden message, or anything... there will not be a keyword in this CE version to enable it) (This is still true in this CE version)
  • Those that still have 0x190 and have enabled VOD (verifable by seeing the QUEUE option in the scheduler), will remain enabled. Regardless, if DirecTV has completed the backend part of your account
  • You MUST enabled VOD, before downloading this CE.. 0x190 will not be re-offered.
Please check your software version. You are the first to report the data cached. It was reported that this CE would wipe the cache as has been done in the past.

It was mentioned that the cache would not be dropped if you had 190 on the machine.

Still don't see remote booking on the D* site. Notes mention "support of Remote Booking" this saying that the box will now better support it, that D* is ready to turn on the feature, or what? I am leaving for Seattle for about a week, and it would neat to be able to try the Remote Booking from across the country and surprise my wife with some new content in the Queue/List while I am gone. ;)

I did not download 197 last night, and will have to walk my wife through it tonight from 300 miles away...wish me luck! :D
Only change I see is NOT being able to channel up or down with remote with DOD....this needs to be fixed!
I do not know if these are issues dealing with the latest CE release, (Ox197) for the HR20-700, but they are things I would like to see improved.

1) when I pause programming, the directv screen saver turns on after a few minuets like normal. However, as the Directv logo is moving around every 30 seconds or so, it flashed back to the paused programming for just a fraction of a second.

2) For the programs that do not start on the half hours (at 2:15 instead of 2:00 or 2:30 for example), there is an issue in the guide. (I will try to explain this the best I can).

Take for example there is a program that starts at 2:15, and the time is now 2:20, in my R-15, it will not allow you to select the program that finished at 2:15 but still showing up in the guide because it is still in the half hour of 2:00-2:30. In my HR20-700 you can still inadvertently select the program that is no longer on and it takes you to a screen that says "This program is no longer available". In the R-15, as you scroll to highlight that program that is done, it actually highlights the one that is actually currently broadcasting on the channel.

3) (This one really bugs me). Ever since I have had my HR20, for a week now, it has a hard time getting a good signal on my OTA antennae. My H20 picked them all up with adequate signal. This HR20 picks up only half of them. I have an amplifier on the antennae, so it is not an issue of not having good enough signal. My H20 was pulling in all the channels at at least 75% strength on the weakest one, and the HR20 is getting under 20% on the channels it is not able to pull in.

4) I know this has been mentioned before, but I will make my name on the record as well. I would like to see the external hard drives that we plug in become additional space on the HR20. I do not like that it is seen as the only space for storage.

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