Found 2 issues
I updated to the 0x18a version about 10:45pm Central Friday night. The first attempt didn't work (no downloading notice), so I probably just hadn't started entering in the download "code" soon enough. The second attempt worked fine w/no issues.
Here's two things I've run into since that download...not sure if these are new or not though (or just my newbieness with the unit).
1) Schedule recording conflict issues.
I had Mission: Impossible with a Series Link scheduled to record Sunday at 12 midnight (Ep "Submarine", Ch23 Chicago, IL).
At some point during the past two days, I had also added Charade (10:45p - 12:45a) and later Bell, Book and Candle (12:45a - 2:30a) both on Ch78 HDNM.
For some reason these two shows (or maybe it was just one of them) caused the MI ep to not be scheduled to record (there was no warning of this until I reviewed the ToDo list). Plus, when I go to force the MI ep to record the Conflict Manager, lumps both fo the HDNM programs together as a single entry to be cancelled. So I can't choose to only cancel one of them.
I realize there are ways for me to get around this and make sure that all three programs record, however, I felt it was worth mentioning as an issue that the Prioritizer should be able to handle.
2) Category Sort refresh
For some reason the Category Sort option (the only thing that lets me forgive DirecTV from not giving me a TiVo like guide), seemed to refresh every few minutes ( get the "Searching guide for matching programs popup)...sending me back to the top of the list.
I generally only use Category Sort/High Def, so I don't know if this issue occurs with all other content filters, but a test with Movies, Action/Adventure did the same thing. The refresh appear to occurs every 5 minutes or so.
The "bug" is easily reproducable:
Guide/Menu/Category Sort/High Def...scroll down a few "pages", then wait about 5-6 minutes to see the refresh caption and then be repsositions to the top.
I checked, and the number of programs found (3146) did not change after the refresh.
(I do like the fact that recorded content is listed with the filters...nice touch that had me confused for a bit

The only noticable change/improvement with this update, was the change to add the Resume/Start Over menu options for an existing recording.
Let me know if I can provide more information.