How would you handle this situation with HD Networks?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 4, 2004
Ok heres the deal. After months and months of fighting for HD Waivers I got them all. My CBS, ABC, and FOX are on now. Well three days ago I faxed in my NBC waiver, and its still not on. I call and they tell me it takes time. Well with the others it took one day at the most. I've faxed it 3 days in a row and its still not on. I busted my tale to get these waivers and now they won't turn on the friggin channel. How would you guys handle this? When I call the HD eligibility dept they say it hasn't been noted yet so they can't turn it on. Well by gosh get on the phone and check for me would you, but no they can't do that. Well don't they all work for DirecTV. I love DirecTV but its crap like this that pisses me off. Anyone have any solutions??

Just be a little more patient with them. If you got the official paperwork they will capitulate eventually. They are probably calling that last one for a blind verification and the station is taking its sweet time. Either way you won! so be happy and congratulations. I know personally the process is a nightmare.
Well when you are on the phone with someone from HD Waivers you could ask them what their direct fax is and send it while your on the phone with them. Just a thought.
Legalities are legalities; just because someone SAYS that they are legal and good to go doesn't wash until they have the documents in-hand. I worked for Nike for over 10 years and in huge companies with multiple separate units, things take time to be 100%. There also may have been some discrepancy on the ones that have not been turned on and they may be in the process of getting them corrected or checked, remember its just TV so relax.
Your right it is just TV. Your right, but after you fuss and argue over this stuff for months it becomes more than TV to me.. Sorry.. I know.. I'll just be patient...
yukon said:
Well three days ago I faxed in my NBC waiver, and its still not on.

The months of fighting through the waiver process was all due to your local affiliate, their cable partners and the NAB, not DirecTV, but it was the above quote that says you are only really in for 3-4 days so far with anything that is inside DirecTV's ultimate control; and even at this stage it could STILL be some network legality or mistake at play. I would begin to "blame" DirecTV at the 7-10 business day point, or at least ask them for details to what the holdup is; DO NOT ask this of any 1st or 2nd level CSR or supervisor, but directly to the HD folks you talk to.
Ok Charper1 now how do you handle this one. I talked to D* last night and they are not gonna turn on my NBC cause they are telling me I got the waiver from the wrong affiliate. Which is major BS considering I've had one NBC affiliate my whole life. I got the waiver from the station that has been broadcast in my town all my years of living, but yet they say that a station 200 something miles away is my local affiliate. Make sense to anyone?? doesn't to me.. But guess what this is what the FCC provided to them. Well guess what the FCC is dumb. But anyway any comments on this. I think its pure BS. D* preached how they wanted to turn it on, but just couldn't without a waiver, well I got the waiver and now its some more BS.. I should stick with a friggin RADIO and have lot less headache..
I've seen that happen before as well, just call the other affliate 200 hunderd miles away and get the waiver. It should be pretty painless considering your not costing them a thing. DON'T GIVE UP! That's what the system wants you to do. Trust me I know. It took me nine months of battling BS like this to get NBC and ABC when I was at Ft. Polk. Just keep on keeping on.
Oh trust me brother!! I will not give up. They can just get ready to get my Phone Call everyday and pay their staff to talk to me. They will not win this one. When I started I had ZERO networks now I have 3 and 1 to go.
I pity you! Fortunately I get all my locals in HD. I do understand why some of the systems are in place. I know someone that needed a waiver for their locals, back when it was just for local SD. They received waivers for stations that were closer than their FCC sites. FCC said they should receive their locals from NYC and they applied for locals that were in Connecticut. Although, Conn is closer to Long Island, NY had the commercial interest. Conn stations gave up the waivers quick. The next step was that this person took the letters from the Connecticut stations and worded them for the New York stations, faked the letterhead from the company, forged signatures and sent them to D* and got TV through those waivers, so there are those who take advantage and get through and this is why someone like you has to suffer.
Why are you going for the waivers? I called Directv and told them I needed waivers and they sent in and got them all for me and all the stations went active in like 2-3 weeks.
Well talked to my other affiliate and they gave me a big NO WAIVER FOR ME. Which is total crap considering there is no way in the world that I could ever receive any signal from them. A total of 200 miles away. So I guess I'll just hold a grudge and never watch NBC again in my life. Pisses me off, and the bad part is I don't even think the guy I was dealing with at the station knew what the heck a waiver is for. He was saying he couldn't broadcast into my area because of franchise rights. I mean what the heck is he speaking of.. anyway I lose I guess. After months and months I'm 3 for 4. 75% ain't to bad I guess....
Sorry to hear, but at least you know and can now share the word that it IS the NAB and the affiliates NOT the DBS providers. 200 miles is ridiculous! Hell, anything past 75 miles should be banned from claiming a region; it should just be allowed to be a "white area", thus leaving ALL the user's options wide open as to choice.
Yeah I'm done, not gonna fight for it any longer, just got off the phone with DirecTV with another CSR being an a$$hole to me. Sick of it told her to find another job cause its evident they don't know customer service. Yes I know I've probably aggravated the crap out of them, but I didn't choose that as my career to help other people. If they are going to be in that position they should treat customers politely. Oh well I lose... I'll never watch NBC again. Their programming sucks anyway.
yukon said:
Oh well I lose... I'll never watch NBC again. Their programming sucks anyway.

This is 100% agreed! Are they slated to control any major league sports soon? They still have Notre Dame CFB, but NOW people can this why this LIL HD solution is a VERY BIG DEAL! This will level the playing field 100% for DBS providers. As well as suppling the end user with ALL their affiliate in HD (whatever is produced anyway.)

I do sympathize with the rude service, that is NEVER excused, and really less than 1% of the total CSRs. You should always get names and/or ID numbers and file a complaint. My $.02 worth.
What NBC affiliate does your local cable company provide? Is it the one that is 200 miles away or the one that you want? I don't remember where I saw it, but I recall reading that any local affiliate station that is provided by the cable company that serves your area does not require a waiver.
Any one that is more familiar with this, please clarify.
rmmrph said:
any local affiliate station that is provided by the cable company that serves your area does not require a waiver

I do not think that is correct.

I think it is: any affiliate that claims to provide you with a Grade-B signal or better via OTA, then they have the right to refuse your waiver request. If they are owned & operated by the network themselves, then they 'generally' do not oppose waiver requests. This all assumes that they provide/are carried by LIL services I ASSUME.

Scott, what is your take?
The Waiver DirecTV is wanting is of a station that I have never even seen. I got the waiver from the station that is LOCAL and is broadcast on our Cable, Dish, and Direct in my area, but they want the other station which is leap years away from me. Makes no sense, but I'm gonna take it and move on. Never will I watch NBC since they wanted to be pricks at the station I requested from. I told the guy I find it hard to believe that the other 3 major networks allowed me, but you can't and he was like sorry, just can't do it. Whatever..
yukon said:
but they want the other station which is leap years away from me. Makes no sense

By they, if you mean DirecTV, it's not that they want it, they require it BY LAW; so their is NOTHING they can do for you, no matter what, it's all on that other affiliate. Call them and setup a signal strength test, if you are correct (200 miles away and can get them) then the signal test will prove that AND they have to pay for the test AND they must approve your waiver request. It's that easy.
yukon said:
The Waiver DirecTV is wanting is of a station that I have never even seen. I got the waiver from the station that is LOCAL and is broadcast on our Cable, Dish, and Direct in my area, but they want the other station which is leap years away from me. Makes no sense, but I'm gonna take it and move on. Never will I watch NBC since they wanted to be pricks at the station I requested from. I told the guy I find it hard to believe that the other 3 major networks allowed me, but you can't and he was like sorry, just can't do it. Whatever..

Thats the same issue I have been having. I got a waiver from the NBC Philly owned and operated station, but there is a NBC station that is at least 100 miles away from me that I can not get with an antenna and I have tried. They will not give me a waiver they claim I can get a grade B signal. This has been going on for sometime. So finally I just stopped watching shows on NBC and I sent them a letter and sent a letter to NBC saying as much not that they probably care. I started to try again this week to get the waivers so we will see what happens.
Please reply by conversation.

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