how to watch satellite on pc


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Original poster
Aug 22, 2006
OK, I'll try to make this as simple as possible, but I'm a total newbie and don't know the right terms for a lot of this stuff, so bear with me...
I had basic cable and had a cable going to my tv tuner card (ati tv wonder pro) in my pc. I was able to watch tv and record shows to my hard drive. That is all I want or need to do.
Now I had Dish Network installed today and asked the guy to hook it up so that the receiver in my bedroom would go to the pc and I could watch whatever is on in the bedroom on my pc. (he called it a mirror if that helps).
So he did it and if I turn on channel three on my tv thing on the pc, the dish network screen comes up but I can't change channels...well I can but I get a blue screen on everything but 3.
So my tuner card isn't recognizing the remote settings for the satellite signal.
Does this make sense?
I'm thinking I'll have to buy a new tuner card, and that's fine, but I did a search and am having a hard time finding one...
Any help is greatly appreciated and again I'm sorry if I didn't explain this very well.
your pc can only see what the satellite tuner outputs. So you will have to leave the pc tuner on channel 3 and change the channel on the satellite box or get a dvr from dish.
not only that if you buy a tuner card and use software to watch E* then it is infact hacking and very illegal... E* should make a pci card but thats a hole nother conversation...
So my tuner card isn't recognizing the remote settings for the satellite signal.
As osu1991 said, you need to "turn on the satellite receiver and tune the channel" to have just that channel sent to your PC card.

Reason: Usually with basic cable there is no cable box, so any tuner (television, PCI Card, etc...) set for standard TV-VHF channels and/or cable channels will pick up the non-encrypted channels from a Cable-TV system when directly feed to it. In the case of satellite television, the satellite receiver is replacing the "cable box" to decipher/decrypt the satellite channels, one at a time (usually).

I don't know if you are trying to control the satellite receiver and the PC/ATI TV device with one remote or not. It might be possible.

However, some non-DVR satellite receivers have a menu that you can go in and set timers for various programs. This will turn on the satellite receiver and provide output of that show to your PC/ATI TV device. The satellite receiver may even be able to provide an IR signal to start the recording on your PC. If not, you will then have to set up a duplicate recording time on the PC.
To the OP...depending on what your receiver is, you may be able to get another remote for your mirror-imaged outlet (computer room).

For my computer room, I mirror imaged TV#1 of my 625, and then set up a UHF Pro remote to change channels. I felt if I was going to watch TV in the computer room, the livingroom (the "original" TV#1) wasn't going to be watched at the same time.
sA :: Shaggy said:
not only that if you buy a tuner card and use software to watch E* then it is infact hacking and very illegal... E* should make a pci card but thats a hole nother conversation...

How is it hacking? He has it hooked up to a DISH receiver and is paying for it. Only thing he's doing is hooking up the receiver to the PC so that he can watch it on his monitor. He can DVR it on his computer and that's fine as long as you're doing that from a non-HD DVR. Well, actually even if you had a DISH HD DVR (AKA 622), you can't DVR it off-line anyway because it won't let you. You can only use S-Video to transfer video and not from the HD capable outputs.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
How is it hacking? He has it hooked up to a DISH receiver and is paying for it. Only thing he's doing is hooking up the receiver to the PC so that he can watch it on his monitor. He can DVR it on his computer and that's fine as long as you're doing that from a non-HD DVR. Well, actually even if you had a DISH HD DVR (AKA 622), you can't DVR it off-line anyway because it won't let you. You can only use S-Video to transfer video and not from the HD capable outputs.

no not that... buyin a satellite card and then watching it directly (w/out a reciever) no matter if he is paying for it or not... it is still hacking... ask around u will find this to be true... seeing E* doesnt make a pci card.
The OP was not using a satellite card to view, he was using a TV card, which basically adds a TV tuner to his PC. This in itself is not hacking...this is turning his PC into a TV and that is all.
There's a remote possibility that she (maybe a he) wanted to hack, but I just think the person did not know what could and could not be done from a technical stand point. So - we push them in the right direction to do the proper thing (without acussing them of unknown wrong-doing).

After all, what's the motto "Better TV for All". But they don't tell you the technical limitations of the equipment, and we know there are CSR's that don't know either.

I'm assuming that Dish makes all of their receivers now, but at first they did not. The FCC use to encourage TV makers to add Smart Card slots to the TV's so customers would not need a cable box. PC's and other devices also have Smart Card slots, so it seems like one day that maybe the cable companies and satellite companies will rent you a card to allow you to use your own devices. So if you don't know, ask.
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I don't have any experience with this personally, but I've read where you can control a Dish receiver with SageTV or GBPVR. You have to hook up an IR blaster to your tuner card, and then the software sends the same IR signals to the Dish receiver that your receiver's remote would send. The Hauppauge cards seem to be the most popular cards for doing this. There's also the option of the r5000hd mod from Nextcomm. Then your PC controls the Dish receiver via a USB cable.

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Wow! I can't believe how many replies I got so quickly. Thanks everyone. BTW, I'm a girl. :p

This scared me for a minute: if you buy a tuner card and use software to watch E* then it is infact hacking and very illegal... E* should make a pci card but thats a hole nother conversation...
That person completely misunderstood and I was glad to see a few others point out what I really meant. I am in no way doing any thing illegal. I think it was explained by SummitAdvantageRetailer - thanks. I DO have a reciever in the bedroom that I AM paying for, I just want to be able to see the same thing on my pc screen, just like it was another tv.

For my computer room, I mirror imaged TV#1 of my 625, and then set up a UHF Pro remote to change channels. I felt if I was going to watch TV in the computer room, the livingroom (the "original" TV#1) wasn't going to be watched at the same time.
I also have a 625 and actually thought of this option last night, once I had time to play with it and figure it out. I control the receiver with a pro remote from the living room (#2), so I thought I might be able to buy another remote and control the #1 tv from the computer room. Should work. Wonder how much those remotes cost....

I've read where you can control a Dish receiver with SageTV or GBPVR. You have to hook up an IR blaster to your tuner card, and then the software sends the same IR signals to the Dish receiver that your receiver's remote would send. The Hauppauge cards seem to be the most popular cards for doing this. There's also the option of the r5000hd mod from Nextcomm. Then your PC controls the Dish receiver via a USB cable.
I will look into this too, but it seems a little more complicated (and maybe more $$) than the remote option.

Thanks so much everyone for all your help!
I had the same situation as you. I connected a long telephone cord to a small InfraRed receiver that I removed from an old unused receiver. I attached the other end of the cord onto the the receiver on which I wanted to change channels. I put the cord on the same path as my coaxial wiring to my TV tuner card. Most of the time I realized I'd be close enough to the computer that InfraRed would be satisfactory.

If you do not want to do this and you have a receiver with only Infra-Red, then you can do what someone said, IR->UHF box on one end near your computer to convert the signals from your tuner's remote to UHF and place the receiving UHF->IR box near your dish receiver within range of its original remote. If you have a receiver with UHF then you can get another remote.

There are many super-cheap universal remotes that you can get if you haven't one that can be programmed, or you can use your original dish remote. This is fine unless you insist on having the ability to change the channels via software, which should also be possible, or on having two remotes. For software, I think VLC media player in addition to what others mentioned (GB-PVR, etc.) are great programs for this.

What tuner card have you?

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What tuner card have you?
It's ATI brand -- called TV Wonder Pro. I got it 2-3 years ago.

sorry for the miss understanding... i see where i miss read and I'm first to apologise... sorry again...good luck
NP. I'm not the best at explaining this stuff so I'm sure it would be easy to misread it.

Are DP44s hard to come by?

How much?

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