What are the values in the 6-1-3 details report representing? I am looking for an index I can print out for our techs to use when troubleshooting, and the more info the better. THANX!
Value #7 applies only to the 522.I have a vip 622, my value 7 is -2. What does that mean ?
These apply to dual tuners and all VIP receivers(including 211 & 211k)
Value:0 Above 2:Hard drive is failing
Value:1 Above 10 Hardware failure-driver
Value:2 Above 0 Receiver is having potential hardware issues
Value:4 Above 200 receiver is locking up(does not apply to 322)
Value:7 4-is the only acceptable value (on 522dvrs ONLY) any other # har drive is malfunctioning
Values 3,5,6,8,&9 are for engineering use only