How To North Americanize Your AZBOX


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 14, 2010
Out there somewhere
How To North Americanize Your AZBOX.

I used 3 programs to do the task.

1) Maz3 was used to FTP the "all_channel.dat" file from the azbox to the pc.
2) AZbox Edit was used to do the actual editing even though it was fluky in windows 7 but it did work well enough.
3) Azbox control center ver 1.1
(In a Google search I somehow obtained an AZ Toolbox by Xonic Team which has all the above programs loaded into one)

Using Maz3
Setup your Profile: Name = Azbox
IP: = (fill in the address to match your Azbox IP Address.)
*IP set here to make it easier for most people*
FTP Port = 21
Telnet Port = 23
Login = root
Password = azbox
(login & password are case sensitive; all lower case)
Under Options
Style = Office 2003 Classic * again set for your preference*
Language = English (or whatever you can read)

Now press the "Connect" button above the profile section.
Then click on "Channel List" over on the left side & then hit the Green down arrow button which is located above the word "Name".
Your channel list from the azbox should now appear on the left side in the large box.
Directly to the left of the green down arrow is your "SAVE" button.

This is what you need to do to the channel list save it to your computer where you know it is. There will be 3 files saved.

Once this is saved to your pc, you are ready to move on to the next step.

Now open AZ Edit (your going to edit the sat list and delete the unwanted tp's)
Once azedit is open go to the "File" button and click on "OPEN"

Now find the all_channel.dat file where you just saved it on your hard drive

Highlight it so it appears on the lower part of the box and then hit "open".
Then click on "Organize Sat & TP"

Do not worry if you get a box popping up saying "subscript out of range"

If you have to click on ok to make it go away then do so.

The satellite list is now on the screen in the middle box.
Go all the way to the top using the side bar in the program and highlight the very top one which should be an Eastern Sat. You can tell by looking to the left side of the screen next to the satellite name is the Degree. You do not want any that say "E".

Now move your mouse over to the delete button under the satellite list and keep deleting. When you get to 169°E, STOP ::
now save the file under the "File" menu.

Sometimes this program is very tricky and temperamental and crashed on me every time I reached this point. To get around it what I did was exactly what I wrote here, then re-open the file and now instead of deleting the very top satellite go to the 2nd on the list and delete it first, then delete the top satellite name.
*Your Mileage May Vary Using AZEDIT *

Once you have the list down to what you want remember to save the file on your pc.
You may also use Maz 3 to edit your satellite list but for beginners like me, this is how I made it happen.

So now you have the file saved on your pc with no Eastern Sat's and you can also delete any TP's on each sat you still have left but just for caution leave 1 TP on each satellite you have in your list. Why? Well we have found that deleting every TP causes the receiver to go wacky and revert to the old files. Leaving one TP under each satellite satisfied the receiver and it has always remained stable doing it this way

Now open the program: ACC (Azbox Control Center) version 1.1
Go to "Connection" (top right) click on it and set up your connection again using the same info you did for Maz3 near the top of this note.
Add the profile or a new profile here so it will always be there for the future.
There is also a Language setting here under Connections so set it up the first time around here.

Now…. Open the Tools-2 button

Everything should be setup on this page so DO NOT UNCHECK ANYTHING HERE!

Now Stop for a second and make sure you have the azbox turned on and connected to your internet. Do not proceed until you have done this!
After you have verified your azbox is connected; now on your pc:
Look on the left side for a button called: send to AZBox and click on it.
The new channel maps are now being sent to your azbox and the azbox will reboot on it's own, do not touch it yet.

After the azbox has rebooted go into your settings using your remote find…
TV Channel:: Tuner A.DVB-S:: Antenna Setup.
Now setup your LNB Frequency and DiSEqC settings if you have it set up.

When your done you can FTP them back to your pc and your settings will be backed up now just in case.

I found that after I reset the Frequency settings on just a couple of satellites that were not set proper before then after the edit I started over by downloading it to my pc and once I was satisfied all the new changes were there I used the ACC program and re-sent it to the azbox. Now my settings are set in both the backup files along with the ones in use. If the box wants to revert back now it is from this starting point.

The trick of all this is the Azbox control center program.
Not only will it write the file to the Azbox and reboot, but it also
uploads all 3 files in disk 2 and additionally rewrites in disk1 \ disk2 backup file dvbs.dat which the other channel editors do not do.
The back up file is what causes all the problems with the satellite list changing back to the factory default on azbox users. Now your backup file is set for North America and if you have done everything above, you also deleted all those TP's that are no good and now your blind scan should improve time-wise.
I am now doing a blind-scan on some satellites in under 7 minutes.
(I did delete all but 1 of the transponders on each satellite)

Once you get re-setup and you have a channel list that is a good starting point for you, it is recommended you ftp it to your pc after all the settings have been made for your set-up. If anything happens in the future you now have a solid starting point and only have to use the Azbox control center program to upload your satellite and channel list.

This has been tried on firmware version 0.9.4890 & 0.9.5020 and on the Az-Ultra & the Az-Premium Plus receivers.

After playing around with the azboxes, using the above directions, I then used the AZEdit program and re-named the channels I had in the azbox, Now instead of showing a frequency I have the actual name. Once again downloaded it to my pc using Maz3 and after editing uploading it using the ACC program.

The only potential pitfall I can foresee is what will happen if you install a new firmware version to the azbox. I don't know yet. Maybe you will have all those Eastern Sats back in if it is installed along with new firmware updates, but if you have a folder on your pc with the last change you made using this procedure all you have to do then is to open ACC and upload the all_channel.dat file and your good to go once more.

If you deleted all the Eastern Satellites you now have a North American Unit. How sweet is that!
Those in Europe can do it in reverse.
I've purposely tried fouling up the box to make it re-boot on it's own, tested power failures, frequent turn ons and offs and the azbox has remained stable.
So much so, that I have written it all down for others to give it a whirl!

I have personally used this now for 4 days and one of those days the azbox was on and being used aggressively for 24 hours straight. Any glitch where the box hung up on me was fixed by doing a re-boot and no information changed in the box nor was any information lost.
The files mentioned here, channel and satellite files can be interchanged between the Ultra & the Premium Plus receivers, even those with the two firmware versions listed above. ( those were the boxes and firmware versions it was tested on by myself).

This is really quite a simple process. I have never used any of the programs listed here before I did this so I was completely in the blind.
Thanks to everyone here who took the time to answer questions I was putting out there whenever I got stumped at one time or another.
I am not a computer programmer and I tried to put it all down here in a simple language for everyone to understand since I know there are many who have been trying to do just this process who do not know the computer jargon.
Star Gaze! Your making my head spin!! :eek: I will be getting my new AZbox ultra in a few days and one of the first things i will do is remove the european sats and replace with North America.Ill need to analyze what you said here abit!I was hoping that there was some real easy way to put in my New list of sats.
Star Gaze! Your making my head spin!! :eek: I will be getting my new AZbox ultra in a few days and one of the first things i will do is remove the european sats and replace with North America.Ill need to analyze what you said here abit!I was hoping that there was some real easy way to put in my New list of sats.

I suggest you Google the programs mentioned here and get them set up on your computer. Since the Ultra needs to be wired for internet make sure you have the Ethernet cable ready or whatever you need to get it to connect to the net.
I also suggest you go out now and get a hard drive so you can record from it.
Why wait till later. I set up the HD's as soon as I unpack the receiver from the box, that way I don't have to disconnect the wiring from the receivers a second time
Here are 2 types that have been successful in these receivers.
Hard Drives for the Azbox Recordings

Use SATA drives! The "Green" Drives run cooler and are recommended for the AZbox.

It is also recommended that you not use a larger HDD than 1.0 TB as I have read that anything larger was not supposed to be compatible. It might be more akin to "we don't guarantee the results", opposed to "it won't work". But, I have read this on the official AZbox site. A 1 TB HDD will give you plenty of space.
Two types known to work decently are these models…
Samsung HD103SI (p/n 61823-B741-B25GG) 1000GB/R54/32M

Western Digital 1 TB SATA hd WD10000CSRTL

The Samsung seem to be harder to find for some including myself, I personally have 3 of the Western Digital HD's listed above in each of my receivers.
Thanks! i will download the above programs and read up on them.Ill get another ethernet cable tommorrow and hook that up to my Router!would be nice to use a wireless connection since the router i have is wireless.Is this possible with the ulta using wifi adapter?For now i have a 500gig extern harddrive i can use till i get around to putting in a internal one.
seems pretty confusing, time consuming, and very detailed... plus if you screw something up... you could easily mess up your AZ.

what is the point of deleting the european sats?
they dont affect the function of the unit, and you dont even see them unless you flip thu all the sats..
Like other receivers cant you just edit the sats and change the names and longitude.Is there a updated firmware version that has the north american sats?Maybe the AZ box Ulta comes with a North American list but im betting it dosnt.
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seems pretty confusing, time consuming, and very detailed... plus if you screw something up... you could easily mess up your AZ.

what is the point of deleting the european sats?
they dont affect the function of the unit, and you dont even see them unless you flip thu all the sats..

Beano_face I am struggling with the same issue. One of the reasons is with the existing combined European Eastern and Western Sats on Azbox, there are 125 Satellites. For our North American Setup we likely wouldn't need to deal with any more than about 50 Satellites, but I had no problems finding the Western Sats on that existing AZbox List. And when you Start Scanning the Western Sats in, they seem to line up beside each other.

I am using FileZilla - a free Internet DownLoad but I am having a lot of problems trying to figure out if the Revised List replaces the Existing List in I think in Disk 2 - 3 file Sat List on the Azbox? I think it resides on the same Disk 2 File but it sure would be nice to have that confirmed. And to confuse things even more, I think you have to Delete the Existing List Manually until you get it down to 1 remaining Satellite, then you have to somehow import and scan in the new List Satellite by Satellite.
seems pretty confusing, time consuming, and very detailed... plus if you screw something up... you could easily mess up your AZ.

what is the point of deleting the european sats?
they dont affect the function of the unit, and you dont even see them unless you flip thu all the sats..

I made it very detailed so nothing was left to second guess.
If I can do it, one who had never even seen these programs, before the day I tried all of this and made it successful then anyone can do it.
There is nothing your doing that will mess up the azbox that can not be undone by a firmware update. The cautions I wrote are so that people realize it is not something to rush into.

The point in deleting these sats:
1) every time the box hiccups your left going from the most eastern sat in the box and tring to get it back to one in the middle of the N/A arc. Saves time in the long run.
2) they have put so many TP's in the box when really with the blind scan they could now do away with all but 1 or 2 just for testing purposes. and these tp's are slowing down the receiver.

The point in deleting these sats:
1) every time the box hiccups your left going from the most eastern sat in the box and tring to get it back to one in the middle of the N/A arc. Saves time in the long run.
2) they have put so many TP's in the box when really with the blind scan they could now do away with all but 1 or 2 just for testing purposes. and these tp's are slowing down the receiver.[/QUOTE]

1. not sure what a "hiccup is"... but I have never had this happen, and have tried at least 10 firmwares...

2. TP's dont slow down the reciever. it may take a litttle longer to do a scan...

but, if there are a bunch of extra tp's on euro sats.. they have no effect when blind scanning a north american sat anyways.
I suggest you Google the programs mentioned here and get them set up on your computer. Since the Ultra needs to be wired for internet make sure you have the Ethernet cable ready or whatever you need to get it to connect to the net.
I also suggest you go out now and get a hard drive so you can record from it.
Why wait till later. I set up the HD's as soon as I unpack the receiver from the box, that way I don't have to disconnect the wiring from the receivers a second time
Here are 2 types that have been successful in these receivers.
Hard Drives for the Azbox Recordings

Use SATA drives! The "Green" Drives run cooler and are recommended for the AZbox.

It is also recommended that you not use a larger HDD than 1.0 TB as I have read that anything larger was not supposed to be compatible. It might be more akin to "we don't guarantee the results", opposed to "it won't work". But, I have read this on the official AZbox site. A 1 TB HDD will give you plenty of space.
Two types known to work decently are these models…
Samsung HD103SI (p/n 61823-B741-B25GG) 1000GB/R54/32M

Western Digital 1 TB SATA hd WD10000CSRTL

The Samsung seem to be harder to find for some including myself, I personally have 3 of the Western Digital HD's listed above in each of my receivers.

Stargaze I would like to buy a hard drive locally but only the Seagate or WD's are available up here. I can get a Samsung HD from Toronto but unfortunately the supplier only carries a 1.5 TB unit which I have been told is too large for the AZbox. Re the WD I had read they run HOT in AZbox is that unit you mention a Eco Green type cool running unit, or would I have to modify or remove the top cover of the AZbox and replace it with screening or drill holes in the HD cover, as others have mentioned it their posts? Not too crazy about modifying the Azbox.
Western Digital 1 TB SATA hd WD10000CSRTL is a green drive and it runs quiet and cool.

I have them installed in 3 azboxes and have no issue with them at all. That is why I put the info out there. If there was an issue I'd be the first one taking them back and notifying others.

Radar spoke about the Samsung hd as he uses one. The numbers I put on the post for that one came from him, as I could not find one around here in a 50 mile radius.
The WD ones can be found at Staples or BB.

Many have gone online to get one, but I did not want to run the risk of a bad shipping incident.
Like other receivers cant you just edit the sats and change the names and longitude.Is there a updated firmware version that has the north american sats?Maybe the AZ box Ulta comes with a North American list but im betting it dosnt.

Many have tried and everyone I know who has tried it using their remote have not succeeded. The Eastern Satellites always found their way back.
This time it has worked but it took some doing.

Once done it make things a breeze.
Before Maz 3 would not work 100% because of the huge satellite list.
Now it works better and the editing can now be done on one program.
To start though you would have to follow the directions in the first post.
Western Digital 1 TB SATA hd WD10000CSRTL is a green drive and it runs quiet and cool.

I have them installed in 3 azboxes and have no issue with them at all. That is why I put the info out there. If there was an issue I'd be the first one taking them back and notifying others.

Radar spoke about the Samsung hd as he uses one. The numbers I put on the post for that one came from him, as I could not find one around here in a 50 mile radius.
The WD ones can be found at Staples or BB.

Many have gone online to get one, but I did not want to run the risk of a bad shipping incident.

Great info stargaze, I will see if I can get one here at Staples, BB, or Future Shop.
Here is a "Stable" list of satellite's from 137*W to 1.0*W with the proper naming of the satellites, which I have sent back and forth to 3 different boxes and it is working well. The only thing you need to do is to unzip them on your pc and you must use AzBox Control Center to send the one file back to your azbox.
All 3 files need to be in the same folder on your pc
using azbox control center (set up using directions in the top post here) the acc will write this info to both disks in the azbox so if you ever have a problem in the future this will be your starting point.

If you add your channels back into your receiver and then ftp your channel list it back to your pc using Maz3 you can then (using the Azbox Control Center)
send the new all_channel.dat file back to the azbox. Doing this will write this into the backup of the azbox which it will revert to if you ever have a problem.

The only thing you may want to do to these files is to setup your
LNB settings
LNB Freq:
DiSEqC settings:
using the AZbox Edit program

I have found that for LNB settings use : user defined
for freq: input 5150 for c-band / 10750 for ku
DiSEqC settings: if you use it it needs to be set properly.
If you do not use it set it to Off.

So the hard work is mostly done except for the settings:
If you can locate Toolbox Azbox HD 1.2
it will have all the programs built into this handy tool.
Including adding new skins to the azbox.

I do not know if this will make any difference but my reference point with these files was on Galaxy 16 @ 99*W.
The channel list was a few V channels on that satellite.


Here is a "Stable" list of satellite's from 137*W to 1.0*W with the proper naming of the satellites, which I have sent back and forth to 3 different boxes and it is working well.

Is there anything visible to North America and worth watching on the satellites between 61*W and 1*W?

In the early days, very large dishes were required to see anything positioned over the Atlantic. Is this still the case?
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Note regarding the AzBoxEdit 0.9.2880:

Try to ensure that you obtain the most recent version. I had a slightly older version 0.9.2880a and I detected some weird problems with it. It would not allow me to edit the satellite information (well actually, it would allow the edit, but it would not SAVE or RETAIN it).

I thought it was my AzBox screwing with me until I started investigating the *.dat files before sending them. I would make the changes I wanted, then save the antenna_list.dat and DVBS.dat files. If I reopened these files before sending, the changes weren't retained.

I installed the AzBoxEdit 0.9.2880c from the source Stargaze mentioned and ran that instead. Now the edits I make are retained.


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