How to hook this thing up

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Yeah but if u read what he was asking for, which was cable like channels, he isn't gonna find that for a family with that setup. I tried it for awhile but still had to get a 922 so the kids could watch some toons lol. PBS plays the same stuff over and over.
Here's a list: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TELEVISION & AUDIO ON C-BAND SATELLITE from Mike Kohl's site: Mpeg Central (may open a new page that you have to scroll to the bottom and click the active link) NOTE: Requires a Digital satellite receiver. Your analog receiver will not work(Except to move the dish)
Be aware that a 5.9ft dish may not receive some of the channels. 8ft or larger is preferred. (Many here got started in C band with a 6, then looked for, and acquired larger)
Besides those 'channels', FTA is more a hobby of finding news, weather and event satellite truck feeds. And experimenting with various equipment, 6ft'rs included.

So have to agree, if all you want is regularly scheduled 'cable' programs, keep your Dish or Direct sub. An alternative to 'contracted service' is a subscription service that would use the big dish. No contracts like the two small dish services. Package and equipment information HERE. (I have no first hand info, not a subscriber)

To get a bigger response to getting rid of the dish, maybe starting a new "Give away, 5.9' BUD", or a post in the existing
Craigslist dishes for your perusal
thread thread may get more viewers. Or you may get $.50 a pound if you take it to the recyclers :eek: yourself. ( I hate suggesting this)
well thanks for all the help guys. as of right now im going to keep directv

down the road i may considering switching to a subscription service, would do it now but they only offer ESPN classic :/

any others out there?

thanks again!
ESPN decided home-dish owners didn't warrant their service any more, the number of subscribers had dwindled (and their price-demands skyrocketed) so they refused to sell the signal direct-to-home big dish owners. Even before all the analog services had fallen off c-band. Only available to cable or pizza dish customers now, in the US anyway.
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No DC lock on dsr-922

Orthomode Setup
