I got the urge to hook up my old NES. I have 2 of them. I remember I had one that had gotten hard to get games to play as I had to blow and blow on them well my uncle gave me his which you barely had to blow on with but still sometimes you did. Well I tried hooking both up and can't get either to work. I haven't used them in probably 7-10 years. I hooked the first one up and it would act like it was turning on as the screen would go black for a second and then go back like it wasn't on and be blue which it normally is if it's off and back to black and just flash. The power light flashed with it. I hooked the second one up and it did the same thing. I tired blowing on the games and never could get the second one to act normal but the first one started to where if you put the game in after blowing on it the screen would go black like it was going to work and stay black but nothing would ever come up. Do you guys have any tips to get this thing going? I really want to play some of my old games.