BUzz Units? what is that... I'm not looking to hack a system... is there a way that if someone has a 3500sd and all their sats locked in, they can save that info and email it to someone???? the weird thing that I found out today, the system comes with a few Tps so I did a smart scann and it found tons more, so more channels, pretty cool (I didn't read the manual on that one, actually, I havent seen the manual since I go the unit..., I guess I am just smart, HAHAHA, JUST KIDDING>>>>>) I wonder, how many channels (LEGAL) can you guys see.... so far I am into the 300s with tons of live feeds.. I was watching one today, the window was open for at least 20 mins before the live hit and then .... bars and tone... we never stay on for so long, if we do a test we use every single sec to test everything, Audio, delay, Ifb's, comms, chyron, everything...