How to check for Signal on a outlet?


Original poster
Jul 3, 2004
Hi, I went to the roof and saw the DP34 switch I have, and I see one wire coming to it which I will use for FTA receiver, but now i have limited it two rooms to which its going. How can tell which room has that connection?

Is there a unit I can like buy and return from Radioshack or so.

I dont want bring a tv to both rooms with a recevier to see which has the connection.

I am hoping there is a device I can connect to the cable outlet to see if its connected to a dish.

Thanks. again.
I have a Dish Network receiver, but the problem is noe of those two rooms have tvs/receivers connected, they are only wired. I need to figure out which room has the cable connected so i can purchase a tv for it later.

I dont have a tv small enough to drag to the room along with a dish receiver to see which is getting the connection.
you're either going to have to get a tv and receiver from another room or get a cable long enough to barrel into that line to run to the nearest receiver.

jzipk said:
I have a Dish Network receiver, but the problem is noe of those two rooms have tvs/receivers connected, they are only wired. I need to figure out which room has the cable connected so i can purchase a tv for it later.

I dont have a tv small enough to drag to the room along with a dish receiver to see which is getting the connection.
You could probably use a multi-meter to send a small charge down the line but you'd need someone at the other end to see if registers. I'm not any kind of an expert but I'd think if you crossed one end, you could use a meter to check for continuity at the other end.
hehe, easiest way is carry the receiver to rooms, connect to the cable , go outside and leak the other end of the cable. if there is no shock go inside, move the receiver to other room and repeat the procedure.
Another way to identify which cable line is to what room if that is what you are trying to do is simply use a pocket toner.

I got mine at our local supply store cost me 30 bucks and it has saved me hours of searching or carrying tv's or receivers around.

It works like this.... you plug one end of the toner into your wall socket turn it on then take the other end out to cable junction box or where ever the wires all come together outside then simply pull each cable and screw it on the end of the toner and if its the right one it will give you a nice loud tone.

I found every wide inside a house for a 4 room install at the cable junction box in 15 minutes with mine.

Hope this helps
Holding it up to your ear might work too, but don't stick it in your ear!

I have an idea. Have you got a radio with a minijack? If your receiver has RCA video/audio ports, grab yourself a cheap RCA to minijack adaptor, plug your radio in and flip to aux mode. You'll likely hear what you need to as once the receiver grabs a signal.

That, or maybe some voodoo and cheap headphones. It won't be loud (just line level)...

Sounds screwy? Well, you can operate the receiver blindly! Just hit cancel multiple times, and if you don't hear a stream, then menu + 611! Point dish screen! Lovely, yes.. you should be able to hear some sorta signal tone :)

Or maybe I'm just nuts here :)

FWIW: If you have a handheld TV, try flipping it to CH3 or 4 and plugging an antenna into the receiver's coax jack. You might literally have to put the two antennas next to each other but that should be JUUUST enough to grab a video signal. :)
toner / wand combo, which you can purchase at Rat Shack (well maybe through the catalog as the stores have turned into over-glorified cell phone accessory stores). Basically the toner hooks up at one end and you use a wand on the other end to identify which wire on the other end, you'll hear a ringing tone otherwise nothing if it's not there.

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