How nice. I have lived here four years and they put this on my door...

Looks to me like you are correct.
I have been on properties where the mgnt flat out refuses to allow satellite antennas. Now some of you would be tempted to respond with "they can't tell you that". Yeah they can. All they have to do is tell me I am tresspassing and the ball game is over. Been told that twice. Of course I am not fighting with them and politely bid them a good day and left.
Now of course that's a violation of OTARD. But what tennant is going ot take the time file a formal complaint with the FCC and wait for the FCC to get around to responding? Or hire an attorney to file a lawsuit?.
That's why apartment complexes can get away with a ban.

I got an apartment manager to back off once or twice by threatening to call the Sheriff, and showing them a copy of the OTARD rules.
About two years ago our daughter had the same problem with her condo association. They told her she could not put the dish on her balcony even after she showed them a copy of the rules.

She called the FCC using the contact phone number on their website. A very nice lady there asked for the name and number of the condo manager and then gave them a call with my daughter on the line.

No more problem. The dish was installed.
If they insist you have to detach it from the railing and confine it to your balcony, you may want to consider mounting it on a tripod that is secured to a platform (pallet). Add extra weights on top of the pallet ( a few cinder blocks will do.)

That's a cool idea. We have non-pen mounts for apartments. Those are popular items.
About two years ago our daughter had the same problem with her condo association. They told her she could not put the dish on her balcony even after she showed them a copy of the rules.

She called the FCC using the contact phone number on their website. A very nice lady there asked for the name and number of the condo manager and then gave them a call with my daughter on the line.

No more problem. The dish was installed.
Good for her. I like it when people fight city hall and win.
I did the concrete bucket at my last apartment. Our balcony faced north but our garage faced south. So I placed the bucket on the driveway right in front of the garage and ran the cables through the garage and under the door into the kitchen where they slid nicely. Then routed the cables as needed. To my amazement, the apartment people never said a word about it... When I bought a house, I just took the bucket and dish as is and buried it lol.
Funny. I just got off the phone with the management team at my apartment. They said they can enforce any policy that they want. The OTARD rule doesn't apply since they own the property. I persisted and they said they will need to contact the legal department in Chicago.
Not to keep this thread going on forever, but their legal department has responded and said while it is true they cannot restrict me from attaching to the balcony railing as the handbook says, I am still in violation because the LNBF extends out over the railing a few inches which OTARD does not cover. So I asked them to show me where in the handbook that it tells me that I am not allowed to hang an item on my balconly that extends over the railing. She didn't have an answer. I told her when the rules are updated in the handbook to say this is a restriction, to give me a call.
Some places are very strict. I've seen rules against hanging towels over railings before.

Basically OTARD does apply to you, but doesn't allow you to hang anything out over the edge of the balcony if your complex forbids it.

Although if that three inches matters to them they need to find better things to worry about.
Here's the problem: OTARD either applies, or it doesn't. With any part of the dish extending outside the balcony, it doesn't. If you put the dish on a tripod or some other non-pen mount where the dish is contained inside the balcony area, it does.

At this point, you're risking the $500 fine and OTARD won't protect you.
Here's the problem: OTARD either applies, or it doesn't. With any part of the dish extending outside the balcony, it doesn't. If you put the dish on a tripod or some other non-pen mount where the dish is contained inside the balcony area, it does.

At this point, you're risking the $500 fine and OTARD won't protect you.

The best thing he can do is move the dish in the few inches it's hanging over, and then it's their move.
You could get a phased array but they are pricey and only support one orbital slot. You could put three of them up to get the three satellites you need to get since OTARD does not prevent more than one dish from going up.
How about putting up a large *ugly* OTA (UHF/VHF) antenna (since OTARD does not restrict the size of one at all if it's in your exclusive space)? That would really give them an eyesore! ;)
Tell them since you cant put up a satellite that you have to put up this huge outdoor antenna to get any reception at all and that your going to put some up for your neighbor's too.
Rather than spending money on a tripod, this is what we use for apartments all the time.


This is a picture of the dish I use camping, but you can tapcon the regular dishmount to a 20" concrete stepping stone. They cost about $5 at home depot.


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