How many times have you had your ViP 622/722 replaced?

If you do end up getting it replaced, be sure that they don't charge shipping on the replacement. I had the HDMI fail and on the replacement they didn't charge for shipping. But then that one failed (constant reboot) and the second replacement came with a shipping charge ($14.95) on my bill. A quick call and firm but pleasant "please take that off" was all it took. Don't let Dish charge you for shipping when your leased receiver craps out.
My purchased early production 622 lasted almost a year before the HDMI port crapped out completely. Dish sent me a replacement for $50. The one thing I'm not clear on is if I still own this one now. The stickers say "replacement".

The replacement 622 is also refurbished. This I don't mind because refurbished is usually better than new. It's been going strong for over 1 1/2 years now!
Mine is starting to randomly re-boot also.... About once a week during the evening while watching something, it will just go through a re-boot cycle.....
Odd... our 622 (the 2nd one we've had) started randomly rebooting two days ago as well. Yesterday it got to the point of rebooting every 5 minutes ... until we unplugged it for good. Another replacement is on the way.
I wish you hadn't started this thread. The HDMI on my original 622 took a dump yesterday. I guess I'll use component until they come out with an upgrade deal on the 722K's.
Never replaced

I am not sure how long I have had the 622, but longer than the 18 month contract and it has never been replaced. I have had a few time it rebooted itself over that period and a few problems that a software update corrected. I find it to be as solid as any other computer.
i have had my 722 for a little over a year, but i think it does need to be replaced. it is hard to wake up out of sleep mode and you can just tap the top of the box and you lose signal for a few seconds. i guess it has a bad connection somewhere.
I have had my 622 since the first week they were issued with no hardware related problems. The software versions that have come along in all this time are where the issues have arisen. In all fairness, it doesn't take long for the fixes to show up after they've inconvenienced everyone for a short period. I'm on my first unit (unless I've just jinxed it) and have spoken about the the merits of this 3 tuner, USB enabled receiver, to all who will listen. It's the most compelling reason I've stayed with DishNetwork. Call me lucky or fortunate. No complaints about the unit here!
I\'m another person who got the 1st batch of 622\'s during the week of their release (what was that, Feb/Mar 2005?). Still going strong! There were a couple of weeks where bad software updates made me want to through it out the window, but they were always fixed. Save for a few features I\'d love to have, I think it\'s a perfect receiver.
A number of people reported their 622s rebooting on their own very recently and mine was doing it too. A replacement is on the way ... but mine has stopped doing it now ! Anyone else seeing this too ? Really makes me wonder if there wasn't something on Dish's end causing this !
I've had 2 622's for about 3 years now. I've had about 7 replacements between the 2 of them. Rebooting was an issue several times. Phone jacks quit working on 2 of them - so I wouldn't be charged the $5 fee I had them replaced. Yesterday the one started rebooting every 5 minutes again. Called the tech - explained what was going on and that I did not want another refurbished one and asked to talk to a manager about replacing them with new ones. The manager was very helpful - she is going to replace both of them with new 722's at no charge and no new committment!
Do the 722's not suffer the same issues as all these recent 622's are having? Since I'll be on my 4th refurbished 622 in two weeks I'm wondering if I should insist that I be upgraded to a 722 - or are the 722's just as bad?

Ciel 2 - ILS Site Active

Fair price for 622s
