There are plenty of settings for diseqc on the azbox. From what I see there is
Diseqc 1.0 & Diseqc 1.1 along with 22K settings. I dont see a separate Diseqc 1.1 dropdown so I think the max you can do is 16 (Diseqc 1.1 + 22k switches)
Someone correct me if I am wrong. I only have 6 LNB's set up (Diseqc 1.0 & 22k switches)
Linuxman, please pick up the purple are needed in this thread...please pick up the purple phone.
Yea, but that hardly tells the whole story.I have 28 lnbfs hooked to mine using 4x4 multi-switchres (22Khz on and off), 4X1 diseqc switches leading into 8X1 diseqc switches, and planning to add more.
If you keep going in the Diseqc selection menu, you find "combination mode" where you can combine committed and uncommitted Diseqc switches.
That should give you 64 lnbf's .
It's a long way in using the right arrow. Probably the left arrow is a shorter route.