Welcome to tonight's Charlie Chat, with your hosts Charlie and Jim! We've got a great show for you tonight, so let's get started!
Jim: Giving away a HDTivo system tonight! Wow! Darn thing works right out of the box. Go figure!
Charlie: Right Jim; we are in consultation with our lawyers to see if this "working right of the box " is legal and not in fact in violation of some vague paragraph in NAFTA's free trade act.
Jim: First up, question for you Charlie "How many CSR's does it take to change a light bulb?."
Charlie: Good one Jim, How'd that one get past the screeners! Just kidding. Well we are in negotiations with GE for access rights for our CSR's to be trained in three languages by the way, to change a bulb any time we want. Until then If you're in a live city, you will receive a $1 credit for a new bulb on next years bill per month for the loss of one bulb, if you live outside a city well the folks at Eldon are asking us to declare darkness a new standard.