How easy is "moving"??


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 17, 2004
Walla Walla,WA
I have been contemplating a "move" so that I can get the distant locals and I was wondering, how easy is it?? I would love to hear from people that have done this. Does E* ask any questions, do they have any problems of having the address different from the billing address, how long have you had your address "moved", do they follow up on it at all?? When I call to do this and when I give them my "new" address and by chance they say, "Well sir, we show that there already is an account there", what the hell do I do, just hang up or try to recover with, "Well, thats the upstairs apt and I am downstairs."?? Any issues at all brought on by this "move"? Any and all info would be greatfully appreciated.
dispatcher_21 said:
I have been contemplating a "move" so that I can get the distant locals and I was wondering, how easy is it?? I would love to hear from people that have done this. Does E* ask any questions, do they have any problems of having the address different from the billing address,
Dish, just like any utilities, shouldnt have a problem with a billing address different than a physical. Think of people who have cabins (the bill is usally sent to your regular house)
When I moved the 2nd time, the guy said "did you want to keep the billing address the same?" :D:D

how long have you had your address "moved", do they follow up on it at all??

"moved" 5/03 to get Fox distants
"moved" 4/04 to get Duluth, MN locals
billing address stayed the same

When I call to do this and when I give them my "new" address and by chance they say, "Well sir, we show that there already is an account there", what the hell do I do, just hang up or try to recover with, "Well, thats the upstairs apt and I am downstairs."?? Any issues at all brought on by this "move"? Any and all info would be greatfully appreciated.

Couple of way to move once you found your new residence
-use a business that wont have dish (the post office for example, or a gas station). I would stay away from resteraunts as they usually have them
I used my old work place (that has been vacant for over 2 years now) :)

-once you find an address, go to and put in the street and pick an address that is in their legit addresses, but falls within the legit addresses. As an example, if the houses on "main st" go 101, 109, 117, 125 odd side and 102, 110, 118, 126 even side, pick 120 main st. USPS recognizes it as legit and you shouldnt have any problems.
Thanks for the reply Ice, I just had these questions since on the D* forum, there is a guy that states he is a D* employee and that "moving" is illegal and that they do all this follow up by checking the number the receiver calls home to with the address on the account, though I cant believe that the FCC or D*,E* has the time or resources to follow up on this stuff. Well, I shall try the waiver request in good faith one more time and then I shall have to move.
Actually, if you are "moving", do NOT plug in the phone line. They CAN determine where the box is calling from - within certain bounds of course.
I was thinking of going with Dish and also would like to move to a city that has WB But I also was going to go with the setup where they waive the $5 IF you keep your reciever plugged into phone line. Will moving not work then?
The phone line will NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT make ANY difference whether it's plugged in or not in respect to moving, for EITHER E* OR D*. ALL of my D* receivers are plugged in & I "moved" over 200 miles away from my physical addy almost 3 years ago - NO problems at all.

I have many moved clients with E* (& D*) as well - NEVER a problem.
How far is it okay to "move"?

I'm in AZ. Is it okay to "move" across states? To Mich, Ohio etc? I could just watch all the football games I really want this way by moving every week along with my team!
new_berlin said:
I'm in AZ. Is it okay to "move" across states? To Mich, Ohio etc? I could just watch all the football games I really want this way by moving every week along with my team!

You need to consider that most of the locals utilize spot beams and locals in OH would not have a spot beam available in AZ.
new_berlin said:
I'm in AZ. Is it okay to "move" across states? To Mich, Ohio etc? I could just watch all the football games I really want this way by moving every week along with my team!

you would have to be in the footprint of the spotbeam....Some are larger than others, but not that large :)
Notes on the "moving" vs. phone line.

I haven't heard of anyone getting nailed on an out-of-area phoneline either, BUT the technology IS there, and ether D* or E* could do it at any time. Fair warning.
The issue with phone lines is pretty much not one since area codes and exchanges really do not translate to specific areas as much as they used to. For example here in Mass, a certain town could have four different area codes because different parts have different exchanges (which happen to be in different area codes), and they have overlayed a new area code in this area which means two more area codes in this single town.

As long as the phone number matches what you have given them, you are pretty much ok.

I was going to suggest VOIP for that solution. I've heard people who have Vonage have gotten their satellite receivers to work fine with it.
"moving" is done to obtain one of two things
-distants (LA or NY)
-locals that normally arent available

I moved because I live in the Mpls DMA but wanted to keep tabs on Duluth, MN (where I use to live). So I used my old work address to keep Duluth locals. The bill gets sent to my house.

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522 keeps shuting off my itself!!!

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