Edision How do I scan a transponder without wiping channels?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 4, 2016
North Eastern
I should know this by now.
With an E2 image (using OpenATV 6.4). Currently when I scan a single transponder on a sat. Then read from the box in my channel editor. The channels show in Last Scanned and my bouquet, named for the sat....ex: 127W shows all of the channels in it as invalid.
This happened recently when NASA added the 3 new channels.
I believe I tried the options in blindscan after zeroing in on the desired tp. settings.
I wanted to scan the new tp and add the channels. I ended up blindscanning the whole sat.
I'm missing something. Dad burn it!
Do a blindscan for transponders only. When finished it will show you a screen with all the transponders it found. Just select the transponder(s) you want scanned for new channels and only that transponder will be scanned leaving the rest alone.

And before you scan you can select if you want to overwrite the existing channels, scan for free channels only etc.
Thanks Arion. I tried the settings in the scan menu for what made sense like you suggest. No dice.
I got a strategy after a few times of writing my saved E-Channelizer lamedb into the receiver to restore the lost channels.
I always nuke DC2, nagra, etc channels from the blindscan (Last Scanned) bouquet first before ordering and properly naming channels for their destination.
Opened one copy on E-Channelizer and read my box. Then did the tp scan.
Sure enough. Reading the box showed a bouquet of question marks for the channels that were there before.
Copy/pasted in the channels from window one of E-Channelizer to the other.
Then moved the new scanned channels into that bouquet (named 127W). Wrote it to the box. It's good to go.
Crazy. Tried different scan settings and every time the same thing.
I'll try again though.
I wonder how many on this forum are using OpenATV 6.4? Likely few. This may be why you're hearing crickets. The operation of the receiver is directly related to the image being used. Can you change the image to one used more frequently by members here such as a recent TNAP version?
I wonder how many on this forum are using OpenATV 6.4? Likely few. This may be why you're hearing crickets. The operation of the receiver is directly related to the image being used. Can you change the image to one used more frequently by members here such as a recent TNAP version?
On my other type box I change the sid with channel editor to 0 and then it will not overwrite it. I think it may work on your box also.
On my other type box I change the sid with channel editor to 0 and then it will not overwrite it. I think it may work on your box also.
You can't get me all fired up on this one. The same as saying everyone should go out and buy an Edision OS MIO 4k. Or that everybody here should use Ubuntu, on a Lenovo <specific model>.
Button mapping and the lack of 'bells and whistles' that other images have.
Even EB agrees on that one. And he's the best when it comes to TNAP. I agree on that one.
We're talking about lamedb manipulation. And don't forget the all important wifey factor.
One thumb on the remote keyboard gets you every aspect of working the receiver that very, very closely matches a TV remote (Sony....because I prefer the best).
We could pop this one up over on the Unpopular Opinions thread. You like your Goldwing? I call it a CAFAH.....Can't afford a Harley. Other's tell me...'hmmm...H-D.....hundred dolla'. At least an oil change doesn't cost three-fifty, four-hundered like a Mercedes.
It's Enigma2, and it's oe-alliance. Operations are very similar.
4 slots. 4 different images. Which one is the easiest to use? I'd like to just wipe the other 3.
Oh. Ain't this guy cool. He hooked a brotha' up. Step by step.

Good help!

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