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Looks like I might have some work ahead of me to get the to agree. I said I'll put one up while there at work and they said they'll hook the Jeeps winch to it lol.
Found a few more dishs I have my eye on while I battle it out to put one up. The first one appears to be a 4ft dish that's not being used since its pointed north. Would that even pick up anything? They other I'm guessing 8ft but has a nice tear in the lower mesh.


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the tear isnt that big of a deal, you can sew it up with some thin metal wire. its a pain to do but repairable.
The first one appears to be a 4ft dish that's not being used since its pointed north. Would that even pick up anything?

It may be a 6' dish, you could get some stronger C-band transponders with it. If nothing else, the polar mount could be used for a 1.2m (or larger) Ku offset dish.
What all satellites can a 6 footer see? I know it's not 2 degree compliant so the western arc is out. A smaller one I might be able to convince putting up then work on going bigger later and this would all give me a better idea on how much of the arc I can actually see vs what the app on my phone says I can. It looks like the dish doesn't have a motor on it, I would assume I could add one correct?
From the photo, it's hard to tell if it has an actuator motor - it kinda, sorta looks like it has one.

I haven't had a 6' dish, but it should be able to pick up several transponders on 99W and 105W.
There are a few posts from members with a 6'; here is one: NASA-TV. Someone with a 6' dish or a mini-bud could add more details.

With a 7.5' dish, I could receive a lot from 78W - 139W.
Went driving today and took a few pictures of some dishes I'm managed to find.


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I'm not sure what size or brand that first dish is but its a beast of a dish. Wish I could get a better picture but my iPhone can do so much without walking on someone's property
Yeh, that first one is a monster. Kinda odd, I can't see the pole that it's sitting on?

The second to last one looks like a prospect, may be a 10 footer.
The first one almost looks like a paraclipse.
Second photo is hard to tell but it looks fiberglass. Stay away.
The last 2 look to be nice deep 10-foot dishes, could be winners.

Start talking with people see what you can get your hands on to start with. make sure it's in decent shape, do the string test. It's well worth it. People are generally responsive and are happy to have it removed.
That last one looks like a 8 to me or I could be wrong. I would love to get better pictures of that first dish. Never seen anything like it. It appears to be mounted somehow at the bottom of the dish since there's no pole to support it.
I would love to get better pictures of that first dish. Never seen anything like it. It appears to be mounted somehow at the bottom of the dish since there's no pole to support it.

I'm not sure it is mounted to anything. Looks like it may be just leaning on that post and maybe tree branches holding it up above. Notice there is an identical short pole to the left.

There is an old 12' fiberglass dish near me that is sitting on the ground and angled against a large tree trunk. Large nails (Or possibly screws) are driven thru the fiberglass dish near the top that attach it to the tree. :confused: I never got out of my car to view it any closer. :thumbdown
I think I finally convinced them to let me get a dish. I just half to get rid of the hot tub and deck that it sits on. There two dishes I have my eye on one I got a better picture of and the other I need to take a picture of cause I think it might be a 16 footer in damn good shape. Problem was I on the motorcycle and couldn't stop easy or turn around.


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While a 16' dish would be great, there are other considerations to contend with. If you are up to that task then by all means go for it. If it gets really windy where you are 16' will catch a lot of wind.
I went and got some pictures of the other dish but it's not 16.


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Just went and measured this dish that my friend has and its 7ft 8in which is a little odd but I'll call it 7 1/2 feet so looks like that one is out plus it needs a new actuator.


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