The 1080p "I Am Legend" (IAL) does not necessarily show up at the same time as the 612 software upgrade and the other 501 VOD selections.
Getting 612 apparently is not related to geographical location or customer status. I got 612 on my newer 622 a week ago and the original 622 2 days ago. "IAL" showed up this morning on both.
A thought for those who's 1080p tv doesn't seem to be passing Dish's compatibility test. Double check because when you select it and the test starts, the screen blinks (stays black if you don't have 1080p) to the new resolution and you soon get a message to confirm you want to watch the movie.
At that point you don't have very long to confirm or it blinks back and you get a message saying your tv is not compatible OR you didn't select it time. I think this may be confusing and leading some people to think their tv failed the test.
On my non 1080p tv there's no question about it because the screen goes dark and stays that way for 15 seconds and then goes back to 1080i with the not compatible message. On my 1080 24p Sony, the screen blinks to 1080p (and if I have the Sony's "display" on, the tv says "1080 24p") and then the message pops up asking me to confirm. If I do nothing it blinks back to 1080i with the "not compatible or didn't respond in time" message.
Dish could alleviate a lot of this confusion if they clearly separated the test for compatibility from the confirm rental message.
BTW, I also tried the HDMI test from "Menu-Setup-Diagnostics" and couldn't see any place that confirmed my tv was 1080p. In fact on one page of the results it listed 480i, 480p, 720p & 1080i as choices but nothing for 1080p.
Now onto viewing I Am Legend in 1080 24p. The picture quality is very good but because it has been modified to 16:9 AR, you do
loose some of the picture. Amazing though how someone being shown the Blu-Ray version in original aspect ratio and seeing the small black bars top & bottom think THEY are the ones actually loosing something. What can I say, a lot of normally smart people are not very smart in this regards.
As with ALL Dish's VOD, you can NOT record IAL to your DVR HDD...........again

. Actually it's already on
your HDD but you know what I mean - you can't put it under
your control on
your HDD. The normal DVR functions do work however, so you can pause, rewind, skip, etc.
Finally regarding status of other 622 outputs while playing 1080p. The component video output
is blocked but the S-Video and audio outputs are not, so I was able to record to my Panasonic E85 DVD recorder's HDD.
I just viewed part of it there (E-85 connects to the TV's component inputs) and the 480p picture looks quite good. I'll be curious to see how it looks up converted on my HD-DVD player later but even now it's a real decent anamorphic, 480p copy.
A word to Dish here: I might actually rent a fair amount of 1080p VODs for $2.99 a day (even though I can't keep an HD copy on my DVR's HDD) as long as the S-Video outputs stay active but at $6.99 a day and no way to keep it in HD forget it - never happen. There are going to be way too many competing options for HD viewing for Dish to even stay in the game at that price.
Oh, one more little thing: After you rent the VOD, a little red, "rented" icon shows up in the EPG and under info it says how long you have left.