Several folks have suggested that if you get a "bad" CSR or don't get the answer that you want, you should hang up and call back.
Doesn't Dish make a log entry in your account each time that you call in?
In other words. If you first talk to "Billy" and then call back and get "Jane," doesn't she already know that "Billy" said "NO"?
I haven't called-in for a while, but I assume the first question that they ask is for your account number. I also assume that they can pull your information automatically from caller ID.
Doesn't Dish make a log entry in your account each time that you call in?
In other words. If you first talk to "Billy" and then call back and get "Jane," doesn't she already know that "Billy" said "NO"?
I haven't called-in for a while, but I assume the first question that they ask is for your account number. I also assume that they can pull your information automatically from caller ID.