How are you going to watch Sons of Anarchy Tonight?

I got the SoA Season 1 DVD from our local library. Got the Season 2 from Netflix. Watching recordings now and skipping commercials is a right pain :p. I got Suddenlink cable installed for a 30 day free trial and man, is that DVR a dog. Hope Charlie and Rupert get it worked out in the next 3 weeks or I'll have to wait for the Season 3 DVD :D
If that is the attitude of the producer of SofA, I'll drop it from my viewing. It is a show I can take or leave, so I think I'll leave it.

That leaves just Terriers as a show of interest on FX and I can get that on Hulu.

In defense of Sutter, he has a very valid point. SOA is one of FX's highest rated shows.....and with the loss in viewers, no doubt the ratings are taking a hit. I personally have been paying attention to the show since the start of Season 2, and it is truly exciting and worth watching.
If you like to do things legally like us upstanding citizens, Sons Of Anarchy is available from Amazon Video On Demand. If you want it on your big screen, you can hook up your TV to Roku, Google TV, TiVo, and various Panasonic/Sony Blu-Ray players. I don't have any of those, but I can watch on my PS3 via PlayOn. You can also use PlayOn with Wii and XBox.
Also, don't think that the agencies and ad buyers aren't hitting Fox wanting a discount on Son Of Anarchy rates because x.x million people aren't going to see it.

The pain works both ways.
In defense of Sutter, he has a very valid point. SOA is one of FX's highest rated shows.....and with the loss in viewers, no doubt the ratings are taking a hit. I personally have been paying attention to the show since the start of Season 2, and it is truly exciting and worth watching.

He does have a valid point, one I don't agree with. And SOA is interesting and somewhat worth watching, but frankly it isn't in my top list at all so missing out on it won't bother me.

But for those that need it, it will be available on Hulu and FX's own website at some point. Not a big deal to get to see much of FX's stuff.
Sutter is completely out of bounds and out of line. I just lost a lot of respect for the man.
Sutter had a similar hissy fit when SOA didn't get any Emmy nominations. He's a spoiled brat.

And though I enjoyed last year, this Belfast arc is plain stupid and boring.

I can wait for Hulu and the little computer screen.
For those well heeled folks, you can also buy the episode off of XBox's Zune Marketplace (it isn't a rental, will stay on your hard drive as long as you want to keep it). Amazon on Demand and ITunes has it as well.....

I don't watch the show, but this is my plan if they kill the FOX affiliate 11/1.
Sutter is completely out of bounds and out of line. I just lost a lot of respect for the man.

Same here. Plus I'm a little confused. If Dish subs are paying the most for FX, then why does Fox want more money? I thought Fox just wanted Dish to pay the same as their "other partners"?
Also, back to Sutter, even though I really, really enjoy SOA, I take offense to his remarks and may just take advantage of this dispute to end my viership of SOA.
FX should thread lightly, except for their original programing (SOA, The League, Rescue Me (which is coming up on it's last season), and Terriers), the only thing they seem to show are movies like "Shallow Hal" 3 or 4 times in a row, equaling about 20 times a week. That I can definitely live without.

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I don't even watch SOA, but decided to complain in a chat with customer service (fishing expedition) and they gave me credit equal to an iTunes rental. I told them I'd be back next week if this was not resolved for another credit. ;)
the torrent will be available within a couple hours of the airing. i will just download it and watch it that way. laptop has hdmi output, so its easy to watch on tv.

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