Hopper3 372 update

Hi, Josh
Any idea on when H373 will be released to us?
Having an issue with DVR recordings on MLB Extra Innings.
If the recording completes in entirety and you replay hours later on it works where you can fast forward, leave and resume playback.
If you attempt to watch it as it is being recorded it doesn't allow you to fast forward and it drops you at live tv. The playback options are only to watch from start or watch live.
Hoping this is resolved with software update quickly since it's difficult to watch a game hours later without having already heard the scores somewhere else
Hi, Josh
Any idea on when H373 will be released to us?
Having an issue with DVR recordings on MLB Extra Innings.
If the recording completes in entirety and you replay hours later on it works where you can fast forward, leave and resume playback.
If you attempt to watch it as it is being recorded it doesn't allow you to fast forward and it drops you at live tv. The playback options are only to watch from start or watch live.
Hoping this is resolved with software update quickly since it's difficult to watch a game hours later without having already heard the scores somewhere else
this is an old bug that re-appeared when these channels went live, the best work-around is to edit the timer to start 0 minutes early - the fix for this is likely a couple weeks out, but i have no solid timeline at this point.

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