I know the 722 and 722K can have ethernet using the built in Powerline feature through the power cord.
Does the Hopper have this too?
Dang Lucky ... do you ever sleep???
With the Hoper with Sling having built in WiFi ... I guess the built in WiFi would connect to one's router. However, I was just wondering if it also supported the Powerline stuff that prior VIP models supported in case the Hopper was in a wireless dead zone. From the sounds of it you are saying "no" and that this new "HIC" has to be used instead?
I'm running my Hopper connected with TPLINK http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704148. It works fine. I added these myself. I originally had a the wireless adapter when it was Hopper was first installed.
Ah, okay, you are using a PowerLine adapter ... its just not built in internally to the Hopper.